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All plug-ins are available for purchase as a download or on CD fromthe iZotope Website. MSRPs include Ozone 3, $299 to new customers and$49 to current Ozone 3 DirectX customers; Trash, $199 for new customersand $39 to current Trash DirectX customers; and Spectron, $99 to newcustomers and $29 to current Spectron DirectX customers. All plug-insship on CDs with extra content for an additional $29. Updates to theDirectX version for existing DirectX customers are provided free ofcharge.
The amplifier package includes a pre-DSP send/return for dryrecording and wet monitoring, while a low-noise instrument inputensures guitar signal integrity. Balanced stereo XLR DI Out with groundlift is also provided, and 15 rear panel connectors allow routing forany application, plus full MIDI compatibility. A Windows editor isdownloadable from the Behringer Website free of charge.
The graphical interface is intuitive and straightforward to use. Thehomepage provides a composite view of the overall operation of anychannel, and full real-time metering is provided for all channels. Thesoftware is available now as a free download from www.klarkteknik.com.
Restoration Suite Version 1.5 adds a new DeCrackle plug-in andprocessing improvements to the three existing audio restoration tools:DeClick, DeNoise and DeScratch. Restoration Suite 1.5 will beginshipping in June with prices at $1,495. A free upgrade will bedownloadable from the TC Website for existing Restoration Suiteusers.
The ReFill-format packs instrument patches, samples, audio files and REX material in one compact file; the combined size of all material packed in a ReFill is reduced by up to 50 percent through nonlossy compression. The ElectroMechanical ReFill content update can either be downloaded for free from the Propellerhead Website or a CD is available for a small shipping fee. 1e1e36bf2d