Masino Extensions For Phpmaker 14
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This is a PHPMaker 2015 Extension that adds different neat features to enable the use of the default data validation in your websites. This Extension has been updated with many code fixes and enhancements to provide more features to PHPMaker users.
PHPMaker Product Key is a powerful automation tool that can generate a full set of PHP scripts quickly from MySQL and PostgreSQL. Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle. and SQLite databases. Using PHPMaker you can instantly create websites that allow users to view, edit, and search. add and delete records on the web. PHPMaker can also create summary reports, and crosstabs report. It is designed for making the creation of web pages quicker and easier using the predefined free website template for various categories according to user requirements. You can see the effect of your work on the built-in web browser.
MasinoAutoNumeric18 Extension will be added to MasinoHeaders17 Extension. MasinoAutoNumeric18 will enable users to format the numeric fields for various data types (Number, Currency, Percentage, and Money) in your websites easily, using the generated code provided by Masino. MasinoAutoNumeric18 Extension will be packaged with the latest version of MasinoHeaders17, to make it appear on dashboard.
MasinoAutoCurrency Extension will be added to MasinoHeaders17 Extension. MasinoAutoCurrency will enable users to format the textual field for various data types (Currency, Number, and Percentage) in your websites easily, using the generated code provided by Masino. 3d9ccd7d82