Shell defends itself by, among other things, reporting Special Database that they comply with ISO and other standards. Strict requirements are set for this and those standards have also been drawn up on the basis of scientific research. According to the Advertising Code Committee, this is not sufficient. The claim of full compensation is absolute, but that Special Database claim is not fully proven and that is simply not sufficient. Go green You should not only make environmental claims, you should above all fulfill them. Green is something you should do, not just say you're doing it or going to do it. The more absolute the claim, the better and more solid you Special Database have to substantiate it.
If your claim is more nuanced, less evidence is Special Database needed. Making clear comparisons and adding nuance to your claim will help with this. It is therefore okay to promote the positive environmental aspects of your service or product, as long as you are careful in your assertion. How current are the “old” marketing lessons Special Database in the online world? Do the marketing books need to be rewritten? Every marketer has been brought up with the notion “the customer is king!”. A customer who feels like a king is a loyal customer. And loyal customers are worth their weight in gold. Acquiring new customers also costs more than retaining Special Database existing ones.
Marketers are already using all kinds of Special Database resources for this before the advent of the internet. Think of loyalty cards, extra discounts, special rewards, stamps or loyalty points, customized offers, and so on. Marketers would prefer to address those customers on individual characteristics. For this purpose, more and more data Special Database from customers was collected, but using it quickly became very expensive. And then there was the internet. Now customers can be reached and bound at a lower cost. “Customized” is suddenly mentioned in the marketing booklets. Because that became possible and affordable online. Individual customers can be approached personally and receive offers that suit them. The more you know about a Special Database customer, the more data you collect about them and the more targeted you can reach them with specific offers.