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Mar 22, 2023
In Business Forum
Rain Animated Wallpaper BEST Crack HOT DOWNLOAD ===> Springs may be formed in any sort of rock. Small ones are found in many places. In Missouri, the largest springs are formed in limestone and dolomite in the karst topography of the Ozarks. Both dolomite and limestone fracture relatively easily. When weak carbonic acid (formed by rainwater percolating through organic matter in the soil) enters these fractures it dissolves bedrock. When it reaches a horizontal crack or a layer of non-dissolving rock such as sandstone or shale, it begins to cut sideways. As the process continues, the water hollows out more rock, eventually admitting an airspace, at which point the spring stream can be considered a cave. This process often takes tens to hundreds of thousands of years to complete. A. Every interior wall, floor, ceiling, and cabinet shall be maintained in a clean, sanitary, safe, and structurally sound condition, free of large holes and serious cracks, loose plaster or wallpaper, flaking, peeling or scaling paint. When some places are in a drought, they may be dry, hot and dusty; cracks may appear in the soil, and rivers, lakes, streams, and other sources of water may go dry. Other places in drought get some rain, but not as much as they usually receive during that season. A drought means that a place has less precipitation (rain or snow) than normal over a few months or even longer. Many macaws have vibrant plumage. The coloring is suited to life in Central and South American rain forests, with their green canopies and colorful fruits and flowers. The birds boast large, powerful beaks that easily crack nuts and seeds, while their dry, scaly tongues have a bone inside them that makes them an effective tool for tapping into fruits. Here is no water but only rockRock and no water and the sandy roadThe road winding above among the mountainsWhich are mountains of rock without waterIf there were water we should stop and drinkAmongst the rock one cannot stop or thinkSweat is dry and feet are in the sandIf there were only water amongst the rockDead mountain mouth of carious teeth that cannot spitHere one can neither stand nor lie nor sitThere is not even silence in the mountainsBut dry sterile thunder without rainThere is not even solitude in the mountainsBut red sullen faces sneer and snarlFrom doors of mud-cracked housesIf there were waterAnd no rockIf there were rockAnd also waterAnd waterA springA pool among the rockIf there were the sound of water onlyNot the cicadaAnd dry grass singingBut sound of water over a rockWhere the hermit-thrush sings in the pine treesDrip drop drip drop drop drop dropBut there is no water A damp basement, or any other structure, is often caused by moisture condensation from humid air onto cooler surfaces. Excessive moisture may indicate that repairs or additional insulation are needed. Replace cracked or defective mortar. Some basements are continually wet from water leaking through crevices in the wall. Make sure outside drainage is adequate. Paper and booksRemove any dry, loose mold from paper with a clean, soft cloth. If mildewed paper is damp, dry it first in an airy place. To dry wallpaper, heat the room for several hours or even days to dry the plaster as well as the paper. Plaster should be dried slowly to prevent cracking. 2b1af7f3a8
Mar 22, 2023
In Business Forum
Donde Comprar Una Raspberry Pi En Mexico CLICK HERE === La raspbery ten\u00eda mucho sentido en 2012.. en 2022 no tiene nada de sentido... es bastante cara para lo que ofrece, se a ctualiza poqu\u00edsimo y est\u00e1 escas\u00edsima de potenciaPD: Due\u00f1o de 1 RP1 y 3 RP3+","content":"La raspbery ten\u00eda mucho sentido en 2012.. en 2022 no tiene nada de sentido... es bastante cara para lo que ofrece, se a ctualiza poqu\u00edsimo y est\u00e1 escas\u00edsima de potencia\n\nPD: Due\u00f1o de 1 RP1 y 3 RP3+","karma":"56.25","parent":"0","comment_edited_date":1665615129,"vote_count":"4","comment_level":3,"comment_deleted_date":"","tree_level":"0","comment_approved":"1","comment_author":"","user_id":"163712","author":"","webpage":"","user_name":"santouryu","karma_level":"55.00","iseditor":"0","global_id":"981937","facebook_uid":null,"user_status":"active","index":8,"avatar_type":"gravatar","avatar_link":"\/\/\/avatar\/4c990108ae5a8fd156e87bb295829624"},{"id":"1927112","post_id":"249572","date":1665746125,"content_filtered":"Lo peor es que la competencia tambien esta cara y excasa.\nA mi ya me parecia cara desde siempre, pues no incluye fuente, ni memoria SD , ni un misero cable hdmi, ni una carcasa y la comparabas con una tv box o placas de hardware superior y veias que eran mas baratas, la unica justificacion de compra era por la comunidad y el soporte que tienes, pero siempre relativamente cara.\nHoy dia merece mas la pena comprar un pc de segunda mano que una placa tipo raspberry y de paso reducimos la chatarra electronica.\n","content":"Lo peor es que la competencia tambien esta cara y excasa.\nA mi ya me parecia cara desde siempre, pues no incluye fuente, ni memoria SD , ni un misero cable hdmi, ni una carcasa y la comparabas con una tv box o placas de hardware superior y veias que eran mas baratas, la unica justificacion de compra era por la comunidad y el soporte que tienes, pero siempre relativamente cara.\nHoy dia merece mas la pena comprar un pc de segunda mano que una placa tipo raspberry y de paso reducimos la chatarra electronica.\n","karma":"25.00","parent":"0","comment_edited_date":1665746226,"vote_count":"1","comment_level":3,"comment_deleted_date":"","tree_level":"0","comment_approved":"1","comment_author":"","user_id":"30959","author":"Juanki","webpage":"","user_name":"juankichu","karma_level":"51.00","iseditor":"0","global_id":"30693","facebook_uid":null,"user_status":"active","index":16,"avatar_type":"wsl","avatar_link":"\/\/\/avatar\/mini\/30693_1.png"},{"id":"1926069","post_id":"249572","date":1665576956,"content_filtered":"Pues si alguien la quiere le vendo la mia","content":"Pues si alguien la quiere le vendo la mia","karma":"23.00","parent":"0","comment_edited_date":"","vote_count":"1","comment_level":3,"comment_deleted_date":"","tree_level":"0","comment_approved":"0","comment_author":"","user_id":"678245","author":"xatakataxa","webpage":"","user_name":"xatakataxa","karma_level":"12.00","iseditor":"0","global_id":"1395602","facebook_uid":null,"user_status":"frozen","index":2,"avatar_type":"gravatar","avatar_link":"\/\/\/avatar\/4a78f12ecd4f41cd36036571674e1781"},{"id":"1926100","post_id":"249572","date":1665584925,"content_filtered":"Yo tengo una que uso espor\u00e1dicamente para el emule y el torrent. El problema es que el I\/O de la RPI (4) es tan lamentable que hasta eso se le atraganta.","content":"Yo tengo una que uso espor\u00e1dicamente para el emule y el torrent. El problema es que el I\/O de la RPI (4) es tan lamentable que hasta eso se le atraganta.","karma":"10.00","parent":"0","comment_edited_date":"","vote_count":"0","comment_level":3,"comment_deleted_date":"","tree_level":"0","comment_approved":"1","comment_author":"","user_id":"184626","author":"Antonio","webpage":"","user_name":"trolletemartinez","karma_level":"47.00","iseditor":"0","global_id":"995994","facebook_uid":"1550746608587272","user_status":"active","index":5,"avatar_type":"facebook","avatar_link":"\/\/\/1550746608587272\/picture"},{"id":"1926130","post_id":"249572","date":1665591682,"content_filtered":"Pues ahora que dices eso algo raro hay en el kernel. Si uso una distro de 32 bits acaba yendo horriblemente lento porque ocupa toda la RAM + la memoria virtual si la tarjeta de memoria es m\u00e1s lenta que la descarga. Da igual lo que hagas, nunca cambia ese comportamiento, ni activando escrituras sincronizadas, tiene que ser un bug. Eso no pasa en el kernel de 64 bits, ya lo hace correctamente. Puedes probar si quieres.","content":"Pues ahora que dices eso algo raro hay en el kernel. Si uso una distro de 32 bits acaba yendo horriblemente lento porque ocupa toda la RAM + la memoria virtual si la tarjeta de memoria es m\u00e1s lenta que la descarga. Da igual lo que hagas, nunca cambia ese comportamiento, ni activando escrituras sincronizadas, tiene que ser un bug. Eso no pasa en el kernel de 64 bits, ya lo hace correctamente. Puedes probar si quieres.","karma":"10.00","parent":"1926100","comment_edited_date":"","vote_count":"0","comment_level":3,"comment_deleted_date":"","tree_level":"1","comment_approved":"1","comment_author":"","user_id":"128240","author":"","webpage":"","user_name":"dark_god","karma_level":"53.00","iseditor":"0","global_id":"757687","facebook_uid":null,"user_status":"active","index":6,"avatar_type":"gravatar","avatar_link":"\/\/\/avatar\/1ac04d4776f74fca02ad941375af9525"},{"id":"1930893","post_id":"249572","date":1666292027,"content_filtered":"Pinta que te est\u00e1 pasando esto: https:\/\/\/viewtopic.php?t=245931","content":"Pinta que te est\u00e1 pasando esto: https:\/\/\/viewtopic.php?t=245931","karma":"8.00","parent":"1926100","comment_edited_date":1666292045,"vote_count":"0","comment_level":3,"comment_deleted_date":"","tree_level":"1","comment_approved":"1","comment_author":"","user_id":"69069","author":"","webpage":"","user_name":"surcamares","karma_level":"27.00","iseditor":"0","global_id":"363516","facebook_uid":null,"user_status":"active","index":17,"avatar_type":"gravatar","avatar_link":"\/\/\/avatar\/32710544655f7c9a2f6b65a737b269f2"},{"id":"1926290","post_id":"249572","date":1665640334,"content_filtered":"Vendo la m\u00eda por 1000\u20ac. \ud83d\ude01","content":"Vendo la m\u00eda por 1000\u20ac. \ud83d\ude01","karma":"10.00","parent":"0","comment_edited_date":"","vote_count":"0","comment_level":3,"comment_deleted_date":"","tree_level":"0","comment_approved":"1","comment_author":"","user_id":"202590","author":"","webpage":"","user_name":"imf017","karma_level":"55.00","iseditor":"0","global_id":"1166933","facebook_uid":null,"user_status":"active","index":12,"avatar_type":"gravatar","avatar_link":"\/\/\/avatar\/5459bf9f97cd945191ce9817d4d61730"},{"id":"1926335","post_id":"249572","date":1665647925,"content_filtered":"\u00daltimamente veo gente que ha optado por servidores peque\u00f1os de segunda mano, con i3, i5 o i7.\nLos precios son bastante competitivos considerando que, aunque sea vieja, tienes una CPU x64, suelen tener 8 GiB de RAM y SSD bastante decentes, todo por defecto.En su contra, son algo m\u00e1s grandes (aunque hay servidores peque\u00f1os).","content":"\u00daltimamente veo gente que ha optado por servidores peque\u00f1os de segunda mano, con i3, i5 o i7.\nLos precios son bastante competitivos considerando que, aunque sea vieja, tienes una CPU x64, suelen tener 8 GiB de RAM y SSD bastante decentes, todo por defecto.\n\nEn su contra, son algo m\u00e1s grandes (aunque hay servidores peque\u00f1os).","karma":"10.00","parent":"0","comment_edited_date":"","vote_count":"0","comment_level":3,"comment_deleted_date":"","tree_level":"0","comment_approved":"1","comment_author":"","user_id":"224388","author":"","webpage":"","user_name":"reiizumi","karma_level":"53.00","iseditor":"0","global_id":"1239659","facebook_uid":null,"user_status":"active","index":13,"avatar_type":"gravatar","avatar_link":"\/\/\/avatar\/ff6d4b3ee8f436d3afc6ec35625ef46e"},{"id":"1926261","post_id":"249572","date":1665616807,"content_filtered":"El problema de la raspberry pi 4 es que todav\u00eda tienen problema de codecs acelerados por la GPU en 64bits .\nEstar anclado a la versi\u00f3n de 32bits no tiene sentido te pierdes aplicaciones que rinden mucho mejor en 64bits o algunas emuladores solo estan para 64bits (Aethersx2 (ps2) , Dolphin gc\/wii haciendo funcionar con su limitada GPU varios juegos a buena velocidad .\nDuckstation de psx rinde bastante mejor en 64bits. \nPor otra parte muy mal por parte la Fundaci\u00f3n Raspberry que sigan con broadcom una arquitectura bastante peor que gpus de hace 15 a\u00f1os \nAlgo tan simple como soportar 16 vertex texture image units Introducido en OpenGL 3.1\nTampoco no soporta 8 draw buffers requerido para OpenGL 3.0\nNo soporta SSBO cuando accedes geometry shaders\nAlgunos fabricantes no s\u00e9 en qu\u00e9 mundo viven.\nSolo hay dos fabricantes que pueden cumplirla Nvidia tegra TK1+ y Qualcomm Adreno 650+ en el mundo SBC arm quitando de la ecuaci\u00f3n a apple este \u00faltimo si no hubiera abandonado OpenGL en 4.1 aunque soporta de calle Opengl 3.x \n ","content":"El problema de la raspberry pi 4 es que todav\u00eda tienen problema de codecs acelerados por la GPU en 64bits .\nEstar anclado a la versi\u00f3n de 32bits no tiene sentido te pierdes aplicaciones que rinden mucho mejor en 64bits o algunas emuladores solo estan para 64bits (Aethersx2 (ps2) , Dolphin gc\/wii haciendo funcionar con su limitada GPU varios juegos a buena velocidad .\nDuckstation de psx rinde bastante mejor en 64bits. \nPor otra parte muy mal por parte la Fundaci\u00f3n Raspberry que sigan con broadcom una arquitectura bastante peor que gpus de hace 15 a\u00f1os \nAlgo tan simple como soportar 16 vertex texture image units Introducido en OpenGL 3.1\nTampoco no soporta 8 draw buffers requerido para OpenGL 3.0\nNo soporta SSBO cuando accedes geometry shaders\nAlgunos fabricantes no s\u00e9 en qu\u00e9 mundo viven.\nSolo hay dos fabricantes que pueden cumplirla Nvidia tegra TK1+ y Qualcomm Adreno 650+ en el mundo SBC arm quitando de la ecuaci\u00f3n a apple este \u00faltimo si no hubiera abandonado OpenGL en 4.1 aunque soporta de calle Opengl 3.x \n ","karma":"8.00","parent":"0","comment_edited_date":1665617525,"vote_count":"0","comment_level":3,"comment_deleted_date":"","tree_level":"0","comment_approved":"1","comment_author":"","user_id":"169798","author":"","webpage":"","user_name":"carlos.estrague","karma_level":"22.00","iseditor":"0","global_id":"559072","facebook_uid":"10206951166519989","user_status":"active","index":9,"avatar_type":"facebook","avatar_link":"\/\/\/10206951166519989\/picture"},{"id":"1939152","post_id":"249572","date":1667665204,"content_filtered":"Ten\u00eda un proyecto de uso comercial montado en RPI, pero estoy seriamente pensando en mudarlo a Android TV aunque toque programar todo de nuevo, para solventar el tema de las entradas gpio estoy pensando en un esp32 por Bluetooth ","content":"Ten\u00eda un proyecto de uso comercial montado en RPI, pero estoy seriamente pensando en mudarlo a Android TV aunque toque programar todo de nuevo, para solventar el tema de las entradas gpio estoy pensando en un esp32 por Bluetooth ","karma":"8.00","parent":"0","comment_edited_date":"","vote_count":"0","comment_level":3,"comment_deleted_date":"","tree_level":"0","comment_approved":"1","comment_author":"","user_id":"152292","author":"","webpage":"","user_name":"luis.sperber","karma_level":"22.00","iseditor":"0","global_id":"925701","facebook_uid":"100000157776933","user_status":"active","index":18,"avatar_type":"facebook","avatar_link":"\/\/\/100000157776933\/picture"},{"id":"1926063","post_id":"249572","date":1665576584,"content_filtered":"Yo tengo una raspberry pi 4 de 4GB de RAM y me temo que la excelencia que tuvieron sus ancestros no ha hecho aparici\u00f3n.Hace poco que sacaron una distro oficial de raspberry foundation de 64 bits. Llega a\u00f1os tarde, tendr\u00eda que haber salido en la Rpi 3. A parte de eso hay muchos problemas con la \"GPU\" los drivers est\u00e1n verd\u00edsimos. Hacer funcionar kodi en 4k en 64 bits es una odisea que todav\u00eda no he logrado que funcione, y menos con el HDR activado. Retropie\/EmulationStation no tienen soporte oficial para debian bullseye, menos todav\u00eda para 64 bits y un largo etc.A la raspberry 4 le pill\u00f3 a contrapi\u00e9 con cambios necesarios de SW que se est\u00e1n haciendo desde que sali\u00f3, y no con los deberes ya hechos. El soporte de drivers de broadcom debe de ser muy regular y las particularidades de los SOCs de broadcom dan muchos problemas a\u00f1adidos.","content":"Yo tengo una raspberry pi 4 de 4GB de RAM y me temo que la excelencia que tuvieron sus ancestros no ha hecho aparici\u00f3n.\n\nHace poco que sacaron una distro oficial de raspberry foundation de 64 bits. Llega a\u00f1os tarde, tendr\u00eda que haber salido en la Rpi 3. A parte de eso hay muchos problemas con la \"GPU\" los drivers est\u00e1n verd\u00edsimos. Hacer funcionar kodi en 4k en 64 bits es una odisea que todav\u00eda no he logrado que funcione, y menos con el HDR activado. Retropie\/EmulationStation no tienen soporte oficial para debian bullseye, menos todav\u00eda para 64 bits y un largo etc.\n\nA la raspberry 4 le pill\u00f3 a contrapi\u00e9 con cambios necesarios de SW que se est\u00e1n haciendo desde que sali\u00f3, y no con los deberes ya hechos. El soporte de drivers de broadcom debe de ser muy regular y las particularidades de los SOCs de broadcom dan muchos problemas a\u00f1adidos.","karma":"6.25","parent":"0","comment_edited_date":"","vote_count":"1","comment_level":3,"comment_deleted_date":"","tree_level":"0","comment_approved":"1","comment_author":"","user_id":"128240","author":"","webpage":"","user_name":"dark_god","karma_level":"53.00","iseditor":"0","global_id":"757687","facebook_uid":null,"user_status":"active","index":1,"avatar_type":"gravatar","avatar_link":"\/\/\/avatar\/1ac04d4776f74fca02ad941375af9525"},{"id":"1926072","post_id":"249572","date":1665577762,"content_filtered":"Usala en 32 bits, por ahora es lo mejor. Y tampoco viene de aqui los 64bits para la mayor parte de usos y en este tipo de maquina.","content":"Usala en 32 bits, por ahora es lo mejor. Y tampoco viene de aqui los 64bits para la mayor parte de usos y en este tipo de maquina.","karma":"10.00","parent":"1926063","comment_edited_date":1665577780,"vote_count":"0","comment_level":3,"comment_deleted_date":"","tree_level":"1","comment_approved":"1","comment_author":"","user_id":"255105","author":"fahrenheit451","webpage":"","user_name":"fahrenheit451","karma_level":"40.00","iseditor":"0","global_id":"1333335","facebook_uid":null,"user_status":"active","index":3,"avatar_type":"gravatar","avatar_link":"\/\/\/avatar\/cb320d2ed30ef293a8878a54b28fa7b7"},{"id":"1926073","post_id":"249572","date":1665578180,"content_filtered":"No la voy a usar en 32 bits porque al final tocar\u00e1 cambiarlo en alg\u00fan momento y prefiero hacerlo antes. Los 64 bits rinden mejor y el kernel, al menos en mi experiencia, es m\u00e1s estable.Y tampoco voy a andar cambiando de SD cada dos por tres. Ahora est\u00e1 con el boinc todo el rato, cuando se solucione lo de kodi y en general los drivers gr\u00e1ficos dejar\u00e9 de usar las apps integradas de la tele, y cuando est\u00e9 retropie pues ya tendr\u00e9 todo el uso que le voy a dar cubierto en 64 bits.","content":"No la voy a usar en 32 bits porque al final tocar\u00e1 cambiarlo en alg\u00fan momento y prefiero hacerlo antes. Los 64 bits rinden mejor y el kernel, al menos en mi experiencia, es m\u00e1s estable.\n\nY tampoco voy a andar cambiando de SD cada dos por tres. Ahora est\u00e1 con el boinc todo el rato, cuando se solucione lo de kodi y en general los drivers gr\u00e1ficos dejar\u00e9 de usar las apps integradas de la tele, y cuando est\u00e9 retropie pues ya tendr\u00e9 todo el uso que le voy a dar cubierto en 64 bits.","karma":"10.00","parent":"1926072","comment_edited_date":"","vote_count":"0","comment_level":3,"comment_deleted_date":"","tree_level":"2","comment_approved":"1","comment_author":"","user_id":"128240","author":"","webpage":"","user_name":"dark_god","karma_level":"53.00","iseditor":"0","global_id":"757687","facebook_uid":null,"user_status":"active","index":4,"avatar_type":"gravatar","avatar_link":"\/\/\/avatar\/1ac04d4776f74fca02ad941375af9525"},{"id":"1926214","post_id":"249572","date":1665606112,"content_filtered":"Bueno, estas sufriendo los problemas. Y son reales. Yo tengo ambos sistemas y me funcionan bien, pero para segun que aun da muchos problemas. Entre otras cosas porque la GPU sigue siendo de 32 bits y la comunicacion no es sencilla. Afinar los drivers no es una prioridad.Y para usarla para temas de video y audio, como usa la aceleracion por HW a nivel de rendimiento no afecta tanto. Y menos la de 4GB. \nLos benchmarks que corren por ahi son para tareas intensivas de CPU, en el dia a dia limita mas la velocidad de la SSD o la memoria.","content":"Bueno, estas sufriendo los problemas. Y son reales. Yo tengo ambos sistemas y me funcionan bien, pero para segun que aun da muchos problemas. Entre otras cosas porque la GPU sigue siendo de 32 bits y la comunicacion no es sencilla. Afinar los drivers no es una prioridad.\n\nY para usarla para temas de video y audio, como usa la aceleracion por HW a nivel de rendimiento no afecta tanto. Y menos la de 4GB. \nLos benchmarks que corren por ahi son para tareas intensivas de CPU, en el dia a dia limita mas la velocidad de la SSD o la memoria.\n\n\n\n\n\n","karma":"10.00","parent":"1926073","comment_edited_date":"","vote_count":"0","comment_level":3,"comment_deleted_date":"","tree_level":"3","comment_approved":"1","comment_author":"","user_id":"255105","author":"fahrenheit451","webpage":"","user_name":"fahrenheit451","karma_level":"40.00","iseditor":"0","global_id":"1333335","facebook_uid":null,"user_status":"active","index":7,"avatar_type":"gravatar","avatar_link":"\/\/\/avatar\/cb320d2ed30ef293a8878a54b28fa7b7"},{"id":"1926264","post_id":"249572","date":1665617409,"content_filtered":"Pues s\u00ed y adem\u00e1s le a\u00f1ades los procesadores broadcom no soportan criptograf\u00eda acelerada por HW.\nhttps:\/\/\/ContinuumIO\/anaconda-issues\/issues\/12443\nMuchas apps que utilicen extensiones de cripto no funcionaran en la rpi por lo visto evitan pagar cualquier licencia y a\u00f1adirlo a su hw. \n","content":"Pues s\u00ed y adem\u00e1s le a\u00f1ades los procesadores broadcom no soportan criptograf\u00eda acelerada por HW.\nhttps:\/\/\/ContinuumIO\/anaconda-issues\/issues\/12443\nMuchas apps que utilicen extensiones de cripto no funcionaran en la rpi por lo visto evitan pagar cualquier licencia y a\u00f1adirlo a su hw. \n","karma":"8.00","parent":"1926063","comment_edited_date":"","vote_count":"0","comment_level":3,"comment_deleted_date":"","tree_level":"1","comment_approved":"1","comment_author":"","user_id":"169798","author":"","webpage":"","user_name":"carlos.estrague","karma_level":"22.00","iseditor":"0","global_id":"559072","facebook_uid":"10206951166519989","user_status":"active","index":10,"avatar_type":"facebook","avatar_link":"\/\/\/10206951166519989\/picture"},{"id":"1926731","post_id":"249572","date":1665685723,"content_filtered":"Creo que si uno no termina con un dolor de cabeza usando linux, no estas usando linux... \nA mi me molesto mucho el hecho de no poder usar la \u00faltima versi\u00f3n de telegram, una app fundamental. \nNo poder usar el wifi y el bluetooth en simult\u00e1neo porque interfieren entre si... \nY claro, un netflix o un hbo max es ejecutar codigo y codigo para usarlo... y un largo etc... ","content":"Creo que si uno no termina con un dolor de cabeza usando linux, no estas usando linux... \nA mi me molesto mucho el hecho de no poder usar la \u00faltima versi\u00f3n de telegram, una app fundamental. \nNo poder usar el wifi y el bluetooth en simult\u00e1neo porque interfieren entre si... \nY claro, un netflix o un hbo max es ejecutar codigo y codigo para usarlo... y un largo etc... ","karma":"8.00","parent":"1926063","comment_edited_date":"","vote_count":"0","comment_level":3,"comment_deleted_date":"","tree_level":"1","comment_approved":"1","comment_author":"","user_id":"170975","author":"Wolf.~","webpage":"","user_name":"gabrielschulz","karma_level":"42.00","iseditor":"0","global_id":"1019452","facebook_uid":"968970739790794","user_status":"active","index":14,"avatar_type":"wsl","avatar_link":"\/\/\/avatar\/mini\/1019452_1.png"},{"id":"1926737","post_id":"249572","date":1665686340,"content_filtered":"Pues yo con linux estoy contento. En mi port\u00e1til actual no ha dado ning\u00fan problema (intel y nvidia), y en el trabajo tampoco. Las veces que he tenido problemas fue en el cambio de versi\u00f3n de ubuntu (para la siguiente me voy a cambiar a algo basado en arch), sea por paquetes que desaparecen, que est\u00e1n en proposed, los malditos snaps que me dejaron de funcionar una vez misteriosamente y alg\u00fan problema al actualizar a la \u00faltima LTS. Pero al final todo parece culpa de ubuntu y eso en el trabajo, en casa hace tiempo que no me da guerra. La raspberry ya es otro cantar pero tampoco culpo a linux, culpo a broadcom y Rpi Foundation que son los que no han hecho los deberes correctamente.","content":"Pues yo con linux estoy contento. En mi port\u00e1til actual no ha dado ning\u00fan problema (intel y nvidia), y en el trabajo tampoco. Las veces que he tenido problemas fue en el cambio de versi\u00f3n de ubuntu (para la siguiente me voy a cambiar a algo basado en arch), sea por paquetes que desaparecen, que est\u00e1n en proposed, los malditos snaps que me dejaron de funcionar una vez misteriosamente y alg\u00fan problema al actualizar a la \u00faltima LTS. Pero al final todo parece culpa de ubuntu y eso en el trabajo, en casa hace tiempo que no me da guerra. La raspberry ya es otro cantar pero tampoco culpo a linux, culpo a broadcom y Rpi Foundation que son los que no han hecho los deberes correctamente.","karma":"10.00","parent":"1926731","comment_edited_date":"","vote_count":"0","comment_level":3,"comment_deleted_date":"","tree_level":"2","comment_approved":"1","comment_author":"","user_id":"128240","author":"","webpage":"","user_name":"dark_god","karma_level":"53.00","iseditor":"0","global_id":"757687","facebook_uid":null,"user_status":"active","index":15,"avatar_type":"gravatar","avatar_link":"\/\/\/avatar\/1ac04d4776f74fca02ad941375af9525"},{"id":"1926273","post_id":"249572","date":1665624933,"content_filtered":"Falta mucho por mejorar es un proyecto que ha tardado mucho en dar resultados \u00f3ptimos.","content":"Falta mucho por mejorar es un proyecto que ha tardado mucho en dar resultados \u00f3ptimos.","karma":"5.00","parent":"0","comment_edited_date":"","vote_count":"0","comment_level":3,"comment_deleted_date":"","tree_level":"0","comment_approved":"1","comment_author":"","user_id":"751211","author":"","webpage":"","user_name":"pepitoperez","karma_level":"25.00","iseditor":"0","global_id":"1401987","facebook_uid":"2937374799838974","user_status":"active","index":11,"avatar_type":"facebook","avatar_link":"\/\/\/2937374799838974\/picture"}],"meta":{"more_records":"false","start":0,"total":18,"order":"valued","totalCount":18,"commentStatus":"open"}}; AML.Comments.config.postId = 249572; AML.Comments.config.enableSocialShare = "0"; AML.Comments.config.status = "open"; AML.Comments.config.campaignDate = "09_Feb_2023"; AML.Comments.config.enableImageUploading = "0"; Temas de interés iPhone 14 Mejores móviles 2022 Windows 11 Altavoz Bluetooth Pulsera de actividad Metaverso Xiaomi Redmi note 11 ChatGPT blockchain Memoria ram Freidora de aire Auriculares inalámbricos Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra Deep web window.WSLModules = window.WSLModules || {}; WSLModules.Footer = {'moduleConf' : 'c1'}; Síguenos Twitter Facebook Youtube Instagram Telegram RSS Flipboard LinkedIn Tiktok En Xataka hablamos de... 2b1af7f3a8
Mar 22, 2023
In Business Forum
Free Download Extra Quality Kane Old Theme Song Free Download Kane Old Theme Song > Being a Full Site Editing theme, Kaneshon is all about the block editor. We made sure all key content creation blocks work seamlessly and look great in Kaneshon to give you a frustration free blogging experience. All downloads from this site are provided free of charge for educational purposes only, and the material contained in them should not be used for any commercial purpose without the express permission of the copyright holders.For projects hosted on other sites, please refer to their separate conditions of use. For more specific information on using the contents of this library in portfolios, research, publicity, competitions, teaching materials, etc. please refer to the usage FAQs. On September 11, 2005, Kane was invited to a ceremony at Hong Kong Disneyland, the night before the theme park's opening. He performed the song "A Whole New World" from Aladdin with Cantopop star Joey Yung. ---- Please select a track ----DONDAYB BetterJuanElmo freestyleHOME DEPOT TYPE BEATCorn pt.2CornPlayman CartierPerc 30 timeTohSocietygo_crazy_go_stupid_EAR_RAPEJamaican niggas be like Lego_yoda_death_soundKidz bop 86White people be likeMr. PurppUshaBlack people be likeFire ass song21_Savage_Interview_with_British_Accent_IghRuss leaked new 2019 trackcrackBuss down MemeianaPlans godKewlBIggest Bruh moment25 Bruh Sound Effect VariationsBruh momentCustomer ServiceGo to sleep lil nigerianR.I.P Extension ;(Spotlight uh moonlight uhSo sad. Can we get 50 likes?WAVE CHECK. WAVE CHECK. DRIP:-(Karen I am about to go S I C K O if you dont return the kidsA W O K EThe Race But Im Screaming The LyricsMagnolia But Im Screaming The LyricsBank account but im screaming the lyrics420th Trackt0y rEvIeWgumricewhooping coughX0 c0ckK k0mBaT m0rTalAvacados From Mexico GTA V theme earrapebee moviei sleepLil Pump D Rose but everytime he says D Rose the video speeds up by 5%weedAb00dIsGuSt1nG bReAd bLeCk c0cKz 2FOX Newsb3At mY wIfEBoneless PizzaLamar DavisKendra Bamar-Bumblewest parkfamily gayinsprational speechshitp0st kIlL m3rUsTy krEbmemememememememememememememememememememememepearl harbor WolfierapesComedyshortsraperFIFA 69c0lD cUtzwh?m'st'd've'dist'd'n't'st'd've'll's'd've're'n't'y'all'll'ven't't'whom'st'd'y'all've'nt'll've'y'all'oughtn'tt'shan't've'there'dsuccccccccccccccccccWhere is my S U P E R S U I Tproof god exsistsbirdebink bantherMinecraft Soundtrack - Earrapepapa frankucreamy ice truck succcctide pod challengeaidstHaT sMelLy sMelL tHaT sMelLs sMelLy (1)cancer.v.2idk kys loledgysucidekidsShooting - StarsSpinner Wars Autisim Strikes Backw3lc0me t0 mY chaNeL pLz subsCibE hiD tEh liKkk bUtoN f0re mor3 vIdSt0daY i aM g0iNg t0 t3aCh u h0w t0 dO fiDgeT sPinN3r tWickSnAzzI German National Anthem classical music (1)d0peeL cHaV0 d3l 69 bongbob (1)p1nChe pEnDej0 (1)keef chiefCracking Open A Cold One With The Boys 1 MILLION Times (1)Radioshack RadioshackmIxTap3Gospel ear rapepLaYsTaTiOnf1tNesS gRaM pAc3r t3sTidubbbz says -I'm Gay- 1,000,000 Timesrunning in the 90'sWINDOWS XP STARTUP SOUND 1,073,741,825 TIMESDEUUEAUGH Over 1 Trillion TimesdieTHX IntroUniversal Studios Theme - Earrape EditionMine OffMiner VisionMine On MeHey ??eter ma$KKK oFfMenardzBlack RObin69 dollar footlong (1)Niggaaaaaaaaaa8005882300relaxing musicFarmers Insuranceps4 eARRaP3STaTe FeRmpS69xB0x 420 rip mInECrAfT Tokyo - DriftDONT CLICKw0aHtake 69 steps backroflmfaosippinteainyohood kysD13fukkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkClick To DieAidz and cancer and autsim and down syndrome which triggers crippling depression and crippling anxietydankkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkxXxExtensionCOrdR0bloXAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAidsdeaddddddddddddGoogle Ad earrapemInEcRaFtYeaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIeNd miY liFeok ok ok ok now frewhuifiuewhuihfdiuweiudgsuivewuigfdiushweuisguiewiucancer69 SavageBroccoli RapeMexican CancerCrippling Depression And AnxietySenfield Theme But it keeps getting fasterMacintosh Plus -420 (Ear Rape Version)Reposted in the wrong neighborhood EARRAPEThings are getting a little wild at Caillous housecancer cancer cancer cancer cancer cancer cancer cancer cancer cancerFood review earrapeIn memory of Harambedank_meme.mp3dank_memeSopresaThe M0ment Y0u've Been Waiting ForTroll Song EarRapeall i do is win ear rapeKaty Perry Firework EarRapeTitanic theme song - Ear RapeNyan Cat EarrapeNoooBilly is a SavageStutter EarrapeSad Clairnet EarrapeAT&T Earrape2 Phones distorted earrape versionRue whistle (earrape)The Hunger Games- Rue's Whistle (Earrape)Kevin Gates - 2 Phones (EarRape)Waluigi Dab vineSoula Boy - Crank that (EAR RAPE VERSION)Mission Impossible (Ear Rape Edition)o shit waddup, HERE COMES DAT BOI - ear rape edition - he be rolling down the streetMcfagnuggetsMcjuggernuggets - earDo - TheSweatshirt (Ear Rape Edition)Single Ladies (Ear Rape Edition)Six Flags' We Like to Party (Ear Rape Edition)Cumbia cancerMexicans at every partyMexicans be like (2)Mexican dads be likeEAR CANCER AUTO ZONESpwcial Ede birdeO-Reilly Auto fartsULTIMATEMexican moms be likeMexican moms be likeBloody earsDROP IT LIKE ISISBeach you guessed itPhone Guy ear cancerEating G FoolFOUSEYTUBE Social expirmentBork laserWater rapeFlash Bang rapeIs this the musty krabDirty danHow it feels to chew 5 GumNot an earrapeFaZe is Illuminati#Thetruth wweDiss is how you dew itXxx_BILLYMAYS_XxxOXI CLEANFac3bookeThis is not a earrapeFuck You (Ear Rape Edition)Iphone 420Wild West Standoff (Ear Rape Edition)DumbassXx_Fazeadapt_XxChief beef sosaOld spice earapeCut it earrapeDesiigner - Panda (Ear Rape) (1)Once i was 69 years oldJustin Bieber - Baby EXTREME EAR RAPE!Krusty Krab Pizza Song EAR RAPE (Micspam Material)The Rock Theme (earrape edition)Jhone seena theme songe cancer edition Edge Theme (Ear Rape)Cm Punk Theme Song (This Fire Burns) [Earrape]YOU WHAT! SPONGEBOB EAR RAPEXx_Eddieguerro_Xx theme song ear cancer editionRoman rapeRUSEVFunky Town (Ear Rape Edition)Kill Bill Siren (Ear Rape Edition)Weenie hut juniorsGratatatardWhat the fart right now ft.Faze apex diss trackOcean Man (EXTREME Ear Rape Edition)Bang Bang.ereYou Give Love a Bad Name (Ear Rape Edition)Interior Crocodile Alligator (Ear Rape Edition)The Simpsons (Ear Rape Edition)Watch out ear rape Finish your fucking dessert gary Rape bobSbongerape Rev up those dicks MCJUGGERNUGGETS EAR RAPEThomas the 69 engine Thomas the EAR RAPE ENGINE Thomas v NWADrake 0 to 100 Ft Thomas the Tank Engine2Pac the Tank EngineKanye the tank engineKorean Arthur Theme song Ear rapeArthur Theme Song Ear RapeI like EAR RAPE!! IF YOU DON'T GET Faze rug ear rape I cant get up ear rape tourettes guy ear rape (QUIT IT)mad mad mario (Strong mothafuckin language)skintonechickenbonelemmealoneGo the Fuck to Sleep.snaKO getS ITY M C A (Ear Rape Edition)Kelpy G (Ear Rape Edition)max p gang ear rapeGARY! YOU ARE GONNA FINISH YOUR DESSERT!Lets get right into the news...Drama alert earrapeJIHAD EARRAPESpongebob- Jellyfish Jam EAR-RAPE!!!!!!!!!!!!BREAKFAST!!! 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HaBUT I CAN FUCK YOUR BITCHhello darkness my old friendpussy marijuanaMy Hope Will Never Die (MLG) Sound Effect #318mlg voice samplesSmoke Weed Everyday Sound Effect (Hyper Distorted)deez nuts (spiderman version)And his name is...DEEZ NUTS!Dog vs Cesar Milan - Thug lifeI Dont Care You Broke Your Elbow! THUG LIFEI Dont Care You Broke Your Elbow! THUG LIFEHey Guys Comedyshortsgamer HereDrake - Jumpman ( Cat Vine )I Don't Care You Broke Your Elbow (HEADPHONE WARNING)Try Me Bitch - Brandon RogersBye, Have a Great Time Sound Effect - Free DownloadAND HIS NAME IS ALLAHU AKBAR!Wombo Combo (Hyper Distorted)thug life sound effect 2thug life sound effectAllahu Akbar Sound Effect [Download Link]Watch ur ProfanityTHUG LIFE MUSIC 2 (SOUND EFFECT)Nice Sound EffectWhat Are Those-! 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Mar 22, 2023
In Business Forum
Art Files 2.4 Serial Number Macro Art Files 2.4 Serial Number Macro === The major number identifies the driver associated with the device.For example, /dev/null and/dev/zero are both managed by driver 1, whereasvirtual consoles and serial terminals are managed by driver 4;similarly, both vcs1 andvcsa1 devices are managed by driver 7. Thekernel uses the major number at open time todispatch execution to the appropriate driver. AXIS Video MIB (Message Information Base) extends the way to monitor Axis devices over SNMP. The Video MIB enables network administrators to monitor status information and a number of new notifications. To make use of the AXIS Video MIB, download the MIB files here and import them in your SNMP network monitoring application. The AXIS Video MIB is supported by Axis network devices from AXIS OS 5.60 and higher. Include serial number in payloadEnable Include serial number in payload to include the serial number of the Axis device in the MQTT payload message. This could be used as additional information to identify the sending device. If you are satisfied with your plot, you probably want to save it. Justclose all selector boxes you opened previously and select the menu itemSave as... from the menu line of the window. It will pop up a fileselector box to allow you to choose the format, file name and targetdirectory to store the image. There is one very noticeable feature here:you can store a plot as a root macro. In this macro, you find the C++representation of all methods and classes involved in generating theplot. This is a valuable source of information for your own macros,which you will hopefully write after having worked through thistutorial. If you have a number of lines which you were able to execute at the ROOTprompt, they can be turned into a ROOT macro by giving them a name whichcorresponds to the file name without extension. The general structurefor a macro stored in file MacroName.C is The code is built around the ROOT class TGraphErrors, which wasalready introduced previously. Have a look at it in the class referenceguide, where you will also find further examples. The macro shown belowuses additional classes, TF1 to define a function, TCanvas to definesize and properties of the window used for our plot, and TLegend toadd a nice legend. For the moment, ignore the commented includestatements for header files, they will only become important at the endin section Interpretation and Compilation. This approach has the nice feature of allowing the user to reuse themacro for many different data sets. Here is an example of an input file.The nice graphic result shown is produced by the macro below, whichreads two such input files and uses different options to display thedata points. Under specific circumstances, it might be useful to plot some quantitiesversus two variables, therefore creating a bi-dimensional graph. Ofcourse ROOT can help you in this task, with the TGraph2DErrors class.The following macro produces a bi-dimensional graph representing ahypothetical measurement, fits a bi-dimensional function to it and drawsit together with its x and y projections. Some points of the code willbe explained in detail. This time, the graph is populated with datapoints using random numbers, introducing a new and very importantingredient, the ROOT TRandom3 random number generator using theMersenne Twister algorithm. The macro performs a rather big number of toy experiments, where ahistogram is repeatedly filled with Gaussian distributed numbers,representing the pseudo-data in this example. Each time, a fit isperformed according to the selected method, and the pull is calculatedand filled into a histogram. Here is the code: Your present knowledge of ROOT should be enough to understand all thetechnicalities behind the macro. Note that the variable pull in line61 is different from the definition above: instead of the parametererror on mean, the fitted standard deviation of the distributiondivided by the square root of the number of entries,sig/sqrt(n_tot_entries), is used. 2b1af7f3a8
Mar 22, 2023
In Business Forum
Internet Explorer 11 Offline Installer For Windows 7 Download File ===== I know this is too late, but i just update Internet Explorer on My Windows 7 64bit to version 11 :), in case you need the offline installer you can download directly from the following links, or please go through to this link for complete version. A complete and stable version of Internet explorer 11 has been released for windows 7 users to fully explore its features.Internet Explorer 11 Offline Installer for windows 7 makes it easy to install IE 11 in any number of machines. Drawback is that you need to be connected to internet till the download is complete. If for any reason you get disconnected from the net you will need to start all over again. So here is the link for the Internet explorer 11 offline installer for windows 7, which you can install at your own convenient time and in as many system you want to. This method is useless for my end, if target PC has no internet or ports to WU site are closed, since the cab files slip-streamed in the package are out of sign from MS, so that the IE installer from IEAK is trying to download the KB files once again during install, as per logs UEmain.log. The only method i discovered and that works like a charm is to use cmd to install prerequisites and than install IE using dism and wusa, the files downloaded from MS prereq site and the package of IE, exported to path: -us/help/18520/download-internet-explorer-11-offline-installer Internet Explorer is a free powerful PC browser that is developed/published by Microsoft Corporation. The only fastest & safest web browser for Windows 7 users & other Windows 8/Vista/8.1/10 users. Especially Internet Explorer 11 is recommended for Windows 7 OS users but it also works on all windows versions. Other Alternative popular browsers Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, & 3rd one is Internet Explorer. Download Internet Explorer full setup offline installer for Windows 7 & later. The famous web browser Internet Explorer 11 is a very easy and simple user-friendly interface. Make your browsing experience increase through Internet Explorer 11 offline installer version. Bring Internet Explorer 11 web browser to effectively and efficiently internet browsing safely & securely. The best way to secure and safe internet browsing with Internet Explorer. Microsoft Corporation developed a computer software product Internet Explorer 11 browser latest version provides you full safety browsing and security protection while internet surfing. So, download the latest version of the Internet Explorer 11 standalone installer from the link below. If you want to download IE older versions then, we will provide you on this page. IE 6, IE 7, IE 8, IE 9, & IE 10 for Windows & and later. If you are downloading the JDK installer for 64-bit systems for update 9 Minor 1, Security 1, and Patch 1, then the file name becomes jdk- If you are downloading the JRE installer for 64-bit systems for update 9 Minor 1, Security 1, and Patch 1, then the file name becomes jre- The following table lists example installation scenarios and the commands required to perform them. The notation jdk stands for the downloaded installer file base name, such as jdk-9_windows-x64_bin.exe. Java Update can be run only if the system is connected to the network. A system that is not connected to the network is referred to as being offline. When the Update Now is clicked, it will check the online/offline status of your system. If your computer does not have internet access, then the error message is displayed. Check that your system is currently connected to the internet and try again. Internet explorer is the well-known web browser which comes with the Windows OS and is used for surfing the internet and browsing web pages.Internet explorer was initially released as an add-on package for Windows 95 and the early versions came with a simple looking interface and retro icons. By the time version 2.0 was released IE was part of Windows 95, Windows NT 3.5, and NT 4.0 operating systems; version 3 included support for internet mail and news and the windows address book, unfortunately however this version came with many security and privacy issues which resulted in users reverting back to IE2. IE4 fixed the security and privacy vulnerabilities that were in IE3, but it contained its own issues which were later solved in version IE4.5 which up until this point was the most stable version. IE6 was the last version to support Windows 2000 and included Windows Messenger integration, media bar and also the Internet Explorer Administration Kit which was a customization package for companies wishing to adapt IE to their needs.IE7 saw tabbed browsing introduced, the interface looked more sleek and it was also the first version to run a check on whether your Windows OS was genuine prior to installation, however Microsoft removed this requirement a year after its release. IE8 released in 2009 made security its priority and enhanced the RSS and CSS support. The 2011 release of IE9 saw little changes in-terms of UI and functionality. Its main improvements are to the performance of web applications and graphics making use of hardware acceleration using Direct2D and DirectX. Other features include the InPrivateBrowsing feature which allows users to browsing data (i.e. history); as for security, users are protected by what is called SmartScreen filter which blocks websites which are fraudulent or contain malware.Compatibility: Internet Explorer version 1.0 Other Internet SoftwareAmerica OnlineAvant BrowserBulk Image DownloaderCompuServeFresh DownloadGetRightGmailFSGoogle ChromeGoZillaGrabItInternet Download ManagerJunoMaxthonMozilla Application SuiteMozilla FirefoxInternet Explorer Commentsvar disqus_shortname = 'oldversion';var disqus_identifier = 'windows/internet-explorer';var disqus_url = ' -explorer/';(function() {var dsq = document.createElement('script'); dsq.type = 'text/javascript'; dsq.async = true;dsq.src = 'http://' + disqus_shortname + '';(document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0] || document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0]).appendChild(dsq);})();Please enable JavaScript to view the comments powered by comments powered by DisqusInternet Explorer PollDo you still use an old version of IE?YesNoAre you crazy? Why would I use IE? Top 5 Contributorssofiane41,005 PointsPKO1716,000 Pointssafarisilver13,345 Pointsalpha110,985 PointsMatrixisme9,755 PointsSee More Users »Upload SoftwareGet points for uploading software and use them to redeem prizes! You can install Internet Explorer 11 on Windows 7 offline by downloading its offline installer. But before downloading the offline installer, make sure that your PC has 512 MB of system memory and at least 70 MB of free disk space. You will also need a super VGA monitor with a resolution of 800 x 600 pixels in 256 colors. This method requires Windows 7 SP1 or higher. The only difference between installing Internet Explorer 11 offline and online is the number of steps you have to complete. You can use an offline installer to manually install Internet Explorer 11 on your Windows 7 computer. The installation will take a few minutes to complete and will prompt you to restart Windows. This is necessary because the offline installer will update files and services that are currently in use on your system. If you do not restart your computer after the installation, you will not be able to use the updated browser. To manually install Internet Explorer 11 on Windows 7 you must first download the offline installer. Download and install the Internet Explorer 11 offline installer for Windows 7 from the Microsoft website. The installer is available for both the 32-bit and 64-bit versions. It takes about 53.3MB to download and install. Download the 64-bit version if your operating system is 64-bit. If you have installed a 32-bit version of Internet Explorer before, you will need to manually install it. After the installation is complete, reboot your PC to enable the changes. Google Chrome is the most popular browser in the world, but its standard installer won't work if you are not connected to the Internet or can't reach their servers. This is where a Google Chrome offline installer comes into play as it contains all the files it needs to install the browser. The browser usually provides an online installer for download on Windows like the MicrosoftEdgeSetup.exe file. The online installer is very small in size. To install this pack on your PC the browser requires an internet connection. 2b1af7f3a8
Mar 22, 2023
In Business Forum
Jack The Giant Slayer Blu Ray Movie Free Download Click Here ::: All digital products you purchase from are DRM-free, can be played across a large variety of devices, and are yours to keep ... forever! Even if you have a hard drive meltdown, you can always log back into the site and re-download all of your previous purchases. I suppose opting for a title like Jack The Giant Slayer over Jack and the Bean Stalk, and giving it a PG-13 rating, indeed clarifies for audiences what kind of movie it is. It's certainly a modernized version of the "Jack and the Bean Stalk" story, and it maintains the period feel of the story while being given a unique spin. For example, because giants are mythical creatures--particularly in this context--they're created entirely using CGI here, and their appearance is made to look humanoid with earthy elements added to make them appear more fantastical. Furthermore, because Singer tries to give the story a unique look, some of the costumes, and even some of the language they use border on being anachronisms. When one of the giants dies while speaking the "F" word during the climax, it feels completely out of place and just included to either elicit a laugh or merely surprise the audience. Also, Jack's costume, as a farm boy, is made up of a leather jacket with a hood on it. It looks cool in the movie, but the chances of a farm boy in this era wearing something similar is rather unlikely (In some ways, this movie's approach can be compared to A Knight's Tale). Still, the very biggest problem Jack The Giant Slayer possesses is in the look of the titular giants. There isn't a moment in the movie when the giants don't look fake. Where movies like the Pirates of the Caribbean series, Transformers, or even as far back as Jurassic Park, offer photorealistic animation, the poorly rendered giants in Jack The Giant Slayer look cheesy and fake in every scene. It's almost as if the movie we're watching is some kind of unfinished product. To make matters worse, the opening storytelling animatic looks more like previsualization test animation and not completed animation. The animatic tells the story of mankind versus the giants as a legend, and it's not until the camera zooms in on one of the humans in the story that we see they're supposed to be wooden characters in a deliberately stylized fairytale telling. Still, such storytelling has been done exquisitely better before, making this look sophomoric at best. It's all so very unfortunate because, if you can look past the cheesy animation, Jack The Giant Slayer is a really fun action/adventure movie. Everyone in the cast turns in solid performances, with Nicholas Hoult (X-Men: First Class) being great as the lead, while Ewan McGregor and Stanley Tucci are great supports for the cast. Eleanor Tomlinson is lovely as Isabelle, the feisty princess in distress. Also, Singer utilizes some real, tangible set pieces, like parts of the bean stalk and portions of the king's castle and giants' lair, that make the story easier to grasp. There's a great set piece where McGregor's Elmont is being prepared by a cook in the kitchen (while Isabelle is in a nearby cage) that is amusing and fun to watch unfold. It's just a shame that Singer's approach to the sets and giants are uneven in quality. The content for Jack The Giant Slayer is intense at times. While it can be pretty violent, it's seldom graphic. However, it's implied that a man's head and arms are bitten off when a giant picks him up and brings him to his mouth. I'd read that this movie was a little more gory than it seemed to be, which makes me wonder if they decided to tone some of the blood and such down for the Blu-Ray release (but it's possible I missed some of the more graphic details somehow?). Other moments show giants smacking people unconscious or swatting them with weapons, tossing them into the air. One giant spits out a man's armor after eating him whole, and in another shot we see the bones of one of its victims inside the stomach of a giant as the camera zooms down its throat into its belly. This is kind of a spoiler, but it's also the most graphic moment of the movie; a stalk grows out of a giant near the climax of the movie and we see it sprout out of the giant's neck, body and face. And, at one point, it says a semi-interrupted "Oh, f---" (most of the word is said though) before their head explodes and an eyeball flies at the screen. We then see the hand hit the ground and one of its fingers lay dismembered. It's the most gruesome moment in the movie, but most of the other scenes are pretty intense or would be potentially frightening to younger viewers. There's a little bit of other language in the movie, but it's mostly the usage of the word "h*ll." Overall, I liked Jack The Giant Slayer far more than I expected to. I had to force myself to forgive the lame animation of the giants to fully enjoy the film. It's a flawed and imperfect movie for sure, but fans of fairytales, fantasy stories like "Jack and the Bean Stalk" and any of the cast are likely to find some things about Jack The Giant Slayer to really enjoy. Become A Giant Slayer - To be honest, this is a pretty cheesy way to present the making-of footage, but it's one of the more unique presentations of such content I've seen to date. Nick Hoult serves as your host for an interactive featurette that has you climbing the bean stalk with your Blu-Ray remote and choosing short videos along the way. Apparently choosing the wrong directions or hitting the wrong buttons can make you start the climb all over again, but it serves as a "Choose your own adventure" kind of featurette where you have to navigate the bean stalk more deliberately than a typical list of making-of featurettes. The first video when you start your climb is dedicated to the design of the giants. It's interesting to hear their train of thought for the intent behind the details in the monsters. The next is devoted to the costumes of the characters. At that point, the stalk splits and you can choose left or right. I chose right, and the first featurette is about the stalk itself, showing on-set footage of the real sets they built, as well as the CG portions of it. The next one is called "How To Zip" and Hoult introduces a behind-the-scenes look at his zip-lining moment in the movie. At that point, we, the viewer, "zip-line" back to the other stalk and resume watching featurettes there, but we miss a couple of the videos in the process. I continued upward and watched a making-of video about the kitchen scene (It was interesting to hear Singer say they made up the whole sequence on the spot). We then need to "dodge" a falling boulder and "win" the challenge. We're then shown a video about how to "defend" our kingdom which leads to our "reward" for going through the experience. This video ends up being an alternate opening of the movie. It shows alternate animation of the story at the beginning of the movie, and then it shows little Jack talking to, not only his father but both of his parents this time. We then see a short scene of Jack dealing with the loss of his parents to the plague before it cuts to the scene with older Jack as it is in the movie. In the climbing of the stalk, you miss 2 of the videos, so when you go back down, you can see a video about Jack's journey through the movie. Then there's one last that one you need to restart the featurette to get to (which is kind of odd) and it's about fighting the giants. The videos are great; I just wish there was a way to watch them without having to go through the stalk map. Jack (Nicholas Hoult) is a farm boy who is tasked to sell the horse by his uncle. Instead, he trusts a monk to exchange for magic beans. The monk tried to smuggle the beans from the evil Roderick (Stanley Tucci). With the beans, Roderick hoped to get to the land of the giants. With the magical crown already in hand, he hoped to rule the giants and the world.Stanley Tucci isn't necessarily the best choice for the villain, and Ewen Bremner is too over the top as the weasel henchman. Nicholas Hoult is a good actor for the lead. Eleanor Tomlinson is just as good as the plucky princess. Ewan McGregor doesn't quite fit as the king's best knight.The giants are what this movie is about, and are quite grotesque man eaters. That's the whole appeal of this movie. It's a disturbing sight to behold. Not actually seeing them bite people's heads off is interestingly more disturbing. The story could have gotten to the giants a bit sooner. Facing the giants is the best part of the movie especially if they're going to eat you. The battle is compelling but I need more people eating. 2b1af7f3a8
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Windows 2000 XP Control Userpasswords2 !!BETTER!! Windows 2000 XP Control Userpasswords2 ===> Windows 2000/XP/Server 2003 family operating systems have a "Users and Passwords" (2000) or "User Accounts" (XP/Server 2003) control panel (will be referred to as "accounts control panel") that looks like the images I have attached to this post. I attempted to add the NameSpace entry from Windows 2000 to Windows XP and the accounts control panel appeared in the Control Panel folder (Web Content in folders was disabled). On reboot, however, the control panel disappeared. It seems that sometime during reboot Windows XP deleted the added NameSpace entry in the registry. The other registry keys mentioned are all there set to the expected values for the autoboot, and DefaultUsername is there set to the correct user account that does the autoboot. So I am trying to figure out how it is autobooting without the password key being there. If I run control userpasswords2, the "user's must enter a username and password to use this computer" box is unchecked, so I'm thinking it is not using data from that control module. I also think the local admin password is blank. By default, Windows XP passwords will expire after 42 days. Fourteen days before the expiration date, you will receive the message "Your password will expire in 14 days" when you log on. If you do not want your password to expire, Click Start, Run, then type control userpasswords2Click the Advanced tab, then the Advanced buttonLeft pane: Click UsersRight pane: Right-click the username, then select PropertiesCheck Password never expires on the General tab Bonus tip: Bypass the Windows log-on screenIf you're the only person who uses your PC, and you're not worried about a stranger gaining access to the system simply by turning it on, you can start Windows without having to log on. In XP, click Start > Run. In Vista, press the Windows key. In both versions, type control userpasswords2, and press Enter. Uncheck "Users must enter a username and password to use this computer," and click OK. Depending upon your specific needs, you can get Windows XP in any one of five editions. Of those five, the choice of the two best known ones - XP Home and XP Pro - will differently affect your ability to share files. Both the Home and Pro editions have their advantages and disadvantages. There are also 5 well known editions of Windows Vista, though the distinctions between the Home and Business (not Professional) edition groups will be less relevant to Windows Networking issues.This article will focus on how Windows XP and Vista are similar, with specific differences noted. In Windows XP And Vista On The LAN Together, I focus on differences in Windows Vista.Please spend a few minutes deciding how you wish to use your computer, and whether you wish others to use your computer. If your computer is running Windows XP, make sure that you know which edition of Windows XP it is.Windows XP Home has few options, and is easier for the typical home user to setup. Windows XP Pro / Vista (in its various editions) is more versatile, and can be used in different ways, depending upon what other computers are on the LAN, and how secure you want your shared data to be.Simple File SharingAdvanced aka Classic File Sharing.Get The Terminology Right HereActivate An Account Properly For Network AccessSynchronise Passwords On AccountsMaking It WorkWindows XP / Vista In A DomainDomain vs WorkgroupGuest AuthenticationNon-Guest AuthenticationThe Authentication Process - Step By StepWindows XP / Vista And Other Operating SystemsAuthentication ProtocolsLocal Access IssuesSimple File SharingIf your computer runs XP Home, then it has Simple File Sharing already. SFS, which only uses Guest authentication, cannot be disabled under XP Home, without some work.If your computer runs XP Pro, or XP Media Center Edition, it may have SFS. If you want to enable Simple File Sharing on a computer running XP Pro or MCE, from Windows Explorer:Select Tools - Folder Options.On the Views tab, scroll to the end of the long Advanced settings list.Check "Use simple file sharing".To use Simple File Sharing on any XP server, Home or Pro, make sure that the Guest account is properly activated, and the password is consistently set (blank or non-blank), on both the client and the server.On a computer running Windows Vista, you disable Password Protected Sharing, giving the equivalent of Simple File Sharing.Please note the limitations of Guest authentication, when working with Simple File Sharing / PPS Disabled.>> TopAdvanced aka Classic File SharingAdvanced aka Classic File Sharing is available, as an alternative to Simple File Sharing, on XP Pro or MCE. To use AFS to it's full advantage, you need to have formatted the drives, on the server, with NTFS. You then need to disable Simple File Sharing. From Windows Explorer:Select Tools - Folder Options.On the Views tab, scroll to the end of the long Advanced settings list.Uncheck "Use simple file sharing".On a computer running Windows Vista, you enable Password Protected Sharing, giving the equivalent of Advanced File Sharing. Unlike Windows XP, the option to enable PPS is available in all editions of Windows Vista.Next, identify a folder that you want to share on the network, but share selectively.Setup and use an account (with matching password) on both the client and the server.Make sure that the account is properly activated on the server.In Windows Explorer, right click on the folder in question, and select Properties.On the Sharing tab, select "Share this folder" and give the share a name.Hit Permissions, and make sure Everyone has full rights.On the Security tab, find and select your account in the "Group or user names" list. If your account isn't in the list, Add it.In the Permissions list, make sure your account has the appropriate permissions. And make sure that no other accounts have inappropriate permissions.Note that, if you want some openly available shares also, this can be done quite easily.On the Sharing tab, select "Share this folder" and give the public share a name.Hit Permissions, and make sure Everyone has full rights.On the Security tab, find and select the group "All Users", "Everyone", or "Users", in the "Group or user names" list.In the Permissions list, make sure the group selected has the appropriate permissions.Setup Guest, (with matching or no password) on both the client and the server.Make sure that Guest is properly activated on the server.Please note the limitations of Guest authentication, when setting up any share for non-selective access. And if you have a LAN with both XP Home and XP Pro systems, be careful when enabling Advanced File Sharing on an XP Pro system. Unbalanced authentication can have complex results.>> TopGet The Terminology Right HereWhen you look at the Welcome screen, and you have multiple users setup on your computer, you'll see a list (or group) of users, identified by User Name. When you change a password, or the picture associated with that user, you'll use the User Accounts wizard in Control Panel. Here too, you'll see a list of users, identified by User Name.If you rename a user, or if you use any advanced procedures or wizards, there is another very relevant term - account. When you setup a user, using the User Accounts wizard in Control Panel, Account = User Name. For each account / user, a set of subfolders, under "C:\Documents and Settings" is created. This is the user profile.You can change a User Name at any time, but the account, and the user profile, stays the same.You can make much more versatile changes using the Control Panel - Administrative Tools - Computer Management - Local Users and Groups - Users wizard. Here you can change the account name, and profile path.If you disable the Welcome screen, you login using the account name and password.So, if you ever rename a User, and see elements of the previous name, you now know why.>> TopActivate An Account Properly For Network AccessWhether you're depending upon the Guest account, or a non-Guest account, for authentication, the account that you use has to be properly activated. You use the Control Panel - User Accounts applet, to activate (or deactivate) an account for local use.There are two possible ways to activate (or deactivate) an account for network access:Run the "net user" command. Enter, in a command window (which will be slightly different, for Windows Vista):net user AccountName /active:yes(Substitute actual account name for "AccountName").(Substitute "no" to deactivate).NOTE:There are 4 "words" (sequences of non-blank characters, separated by spaces) in the command. If you have any doubt about where a space is needed, copy and paste as above (substituting the account name, and "no" or "yes", as appropriate).Alternatively, for Vista Business or Ultimate, or XP Pro, run (Control Panel - Administrative Tools - ) Computer Management. Under System Tools - Local Users and Groups - Users, find the account (Guest or non-Guest) in question. Doubleclick (or rightclick, and select Properties), and clear (or check) "Account is disabled".Finally, for XP Home, for XP Pro using Simple File Sharing, or for Vista with PPS Disabled, make sure that Guest, in addition to being activated, has the appropriate rights.>> TopSynchronise Passwords On AccountsAlways synchronise passwords (for the Guest or non-Guest account) on all computers - make them identical (or blank) on each. For best results, make your password policy consistent throughout your network.To set the password, you need to run the UserPassword applet.Enter, in a command window, "control userpasswords2" (less the "").Select the account of interest in the User Accounts list.Hit the Reset Password button.Type either a blank, or non blank password, identically, into both "New password" and "Confirm new password" fields.Hit OK twice.Synchronising passwords can be tricky in a mixed LAN (home and business/pro operating system editions together). With home editions (Vista or XP Home), the default is to have no password on the Guest account (it is, after all, anonymous). With business / professional editions (Vista Business / Enterprise / Ultimate, XP Pro), you have to Disable the Local Security Policy setting, under Security Options, "Accounts: Limit local account use of blank passwords to console logon only", if your server is going to allow network access using accounts with blank passwords.>> TopMaking File Sharing WorkOnce you get past the issues involved in accessing the server, such as browsing and name resolution, there are the issues of accessing the data itself - authentication ("Who are you?"), and authorisation ("Do we want you to have access here?").What authentication method are you using?If you're using PPS Disabled under Vista or Simple File Sharing under XP, you're using Guest authentication.If you're using Advanced File Sharing, you could be using Guest, or non-Guest, authentication.Remember the limitations of Guest authentication, if necessary.Make sure that the account you're using, whether Guest or non-Guest, is properly activated for network access.Make sure that the passwords are synchronised.The messageLogon failure: the user has net been granted the requested logon type at this easy to resolve under XP / Vista Pro, but may require extra effort under a home edition. Remember, the edition of the operating system on the server is what's relevant here.With XP / Vista Pro, there are a pair of Local Security Policy lists, under User Rights Assignment."Deny access to this computer from the network"."Access this computer from the network".If your server uses Guest authentication:The "Guest" account must be properly setup, and activated for network use."Guest" must NOT be in list #1."Everyone" must be in list #2.If your server uses non-Guest authentication:The non-Guest account must be properly setup, and activated for network use.The non-Guest account must NOT be in list #1.The non-Guest account, or a group of which it is a member (generally "Everyone"), must be in list #2.Authentication varies depending whether this is a domain or a workgroup.In a domain, you need an activated account on the domain controller.In a workgroup, you need identical, activated accounts, with identical passwords, on both the client and the server.Authorisation is described in Server Access Authorisation.If the files and folders in question have been properly setup and shared as above, and you're getting only partial access (maybe Read, although you intend to grant Write access), check both the Share and NTFS Authorisation lists.Remember that if you grant access, to the share in question, to "Everyone", that refers to Everyone who is properly authenticated. Either a properly setup Guest account (on the server), or non-Guest account (for a workgroup, on both the client and server, with matching passwords), is still required.Note: Vista uses deny by default, so if you want "Everyone" (Guest) to have access, you have to explicitly add permission - new shares don't give Full permission automatically (though in some cases, "Everyone" may have read access by default). Always check Security and Sharing, when there is a question.With XP / Vista Home, you don't have the Local Security Policy Editor. And Simple File Sharing doesn't give you the ability to set access rights either. In that case, you'll have to use extra software and procedures.If you're using Guest authentication, and still getting "access denied" after all of the above steps, check the restrictanonymous setting.Even with all of the above advice, there are known scenarios, with varying symptoms, with but one common factor - recent (or not) application of certain Windows Updates.Next, look at the complete and exact text in any observed error messages. Some very obscure errors have very simple resolutions.And finally, repeat Troubleshooting Network Neighborhood.>> TopWindows XP / Vista In A DomainIf you have a network with more than 3 or 4 computers, running Windows XP or Vista, a domain is worth considering. Both Windows XP Home and XP Pro (and their related editions), and the various editions of Vista, can be used in a domain, but in different ways.A Windows XP / Vista Home edition computer can only join a workgroup, it can not join a domain. Windows XP Media Center has the same internal components as XP Pro; however, XP MCE 2005 (KB887212): will not join a domain either.If a Home edition client computer is on the same network with a domain, the computers in the domain should be visible, in Network Neighborhood, under Entire Network - Microsoft Windows Network - (name of domain). The Home edition computer(s) will not, however, be visible from other clients, or from the servers, in the domain, unless there is a browser server available for the workgroup of which the computer is a member (or if that computer is running the browser on its own).If a Home edition client computer is on the network with a domain, the computer can be made a Member of a workgroup, with the workgroup name the same as the domain name. This will allow the servers in the domain to be visible, in Network Neighborhood, and will make the client visible from other clients, or from the servers, in the domain.Users on a Home edition client will have to authenticate to any domain servers as they would in a workgroup - using accounts defined locally on each client and server.A Windows XP Professional computer can join a domain, just as any other Windows NT based computer, and can access domain resources in the same way. However, several XP features will be unavailable:Fast User Switching.Simple File Sharing.Logon Welcome Screen.Depending upon how your domain is setup, an XP / Vista computer may have problems logging in to the domain, and may require changes in the domain itself.>> TopGuest AuthenticationGuest authentication is an option under Windows XP Pro with Advanced File Sharing, and for Windows Vista with Password Protected Sharing Enabled. For Vista with PPS Disabled, XP Pro with Simple File Sharing, and XP Home, Guest is the only available authentication. Guest authentication is part of the authentication decision process, in general.With Guest authentication, you have normally two choices for any otherwise shareable folder: whether to allow access to it, and whether to allow read-only or read-write access. All shared folders and files are equally accessible by everybody who has access to the network.If your server only uses Guest authentication, any shared data is offered, on the network, based upon the status of the Guest account on the server. Other accounts on the server, and on any clients, will not be relevant. Make sure that the Guest account is properly activated for network access.The Guest account, by definition, is a limited access account, and is similar to anonymous access under Windows. If your server only uses Guest authentication, your computer can't be accessed with administrative authority, thru the network.Shares which require administrative access, such as C$, "C:\Program Files", and "C:\Windows", can't be accessed thru the network, if shared using Guest authentication. No matter what authority you are logged in with, to a client computer, when you access any server using the Guest account, those shares, and any folders and files within those shares, will be inaccessible. Any files that you want to be accessible thru the network should be kept in the Shared Documents folder, and they will be accessible to everybody.Remember that the various folders in "C:\Documents and Settings" ("C:\Users" in Windows Vista) contain the personal data for each user of that computer. Those folders, by design, can only be accessed by the owner of the data, or by an adminstrator. Guest is neither of those, and shouldn't be expected to have access. The public portions of "C:\Documents and Settings" ("C:\Users"), if at all accessible to Guest, may be read only.If a computer using Guest authentication is providing browser services for other computers, those other computers, when running browstat, and having no other errors, will show an "error = 5" (access denied) when trying to access the registry on the browser.Master browser name is: PChuck1could not open key in registry, error=5 unable to determine build of browser master:5Other network related tasks, like remote registry access, and remote shutdown, won't work either. Those tasks require administrative access. Utilities like CPSServ won't be able to diagnose problems on a computer using Guest-only access, through the network.The Guest account may not provide network access if the restrictanonymous setting has the wrong value. The Guest account may not provide network access to specific shares, if the RestrictNullSessAccess setting has the wrong value.For more information about the Guest account, see Microsoft: Description of the Guest account in Windows XP.If you need to do so, you can give additional authority to Guest. How to add authority will depend upon your edition and file sharing.If your computer is running XP Professional and has Simple File Sharing disabled, just edit the Security and Sharing permissions settings.If your computer is running XP Professional with Simple File Sharing enabled, you have two choices.Disable Simple File Sharing, then edit the Security and Sharing permissions settings.Use extra software and procedures, to edit the permissions settings.If your computer is running XP Home or Vista Home Basic, you'll need extra software and procedures, to edit the permissions settings.>> TopNon-Guest AuthenticationNon-Guest authentication is much more granular than Guest authentication, on a server using NTFS. It is possible on a server running Windows 2000, Windows XP Pro, with Advanced File Sharing, or Windows Vista with Password Protected Sharing (PPS) enabled. If your server has XP Home, XP Pro with Simple File Sharing, or Vista with PPS disabled, you'll be using Guest authentication. Like Guest authentication, it's part of the same decision process.Once you're authenticated, whether with a Guest or a non-Guest account, you need to be authorised. Authorisation, under AFS / PPS, is much more granular than Guest authorisation under SFS.>> TopThe Authentication Process - Step By StepYou authenticate in 4 possible scenarios, based upon the status of both the client and the serverIfThe client is running Windows Vista Pro (Business, Enterprise, or Ultimate), XP Pro, or Windows 2000.You previously logged in to this server from this client, and selected "Reconnect at login".your computer will have cached a token for server access. Your computer will supply the token, and you will be given server access transparently ("transparent token caching").IfThe account that you're using for desktop access, on the client, is mirrored and activated for network access, on the server.The same accounts, on both computers, have an identical password.Your computer will supply the token, and you will be given server access transparently ("transparent first time login").If automatic non-Guest authentication is not possible, the server is checked for the Guest account having been activated for network access. If Guest is activated, and has no password, you will be given automatic Guest access.If neither automatic non-Guest, nor Guest, access is possible, you will have to supply the token manually. You will have to login to the server, interactively, using an account that is activated for network access on the server, with correct password. You may have the opportunity, here, to select "Reconnect at login" (based on Rule 1).If there is no account activated for network access, you will see the old... access denied.or similar well-known error.>> TopWindows XP And Other Operating SystemsWindows XP was designed to allow the merger of the two older operating system families - Windows 9x (Windows 95 / 98 / ME - predominantly home systems), and Windows NT (NT / 2000 / 2003 - predominantly business systems). By carefully choosing Advanced vs Simple File Sharing on your computer, it can better operate on the LAN with your computers running older systems. And, looking forward, it can operate fine on the LAN with your computers running Vista.Simple File Sharing, which is selectable under XP Pro but not under XP Home, uses Guest authentication only. It makes it easier to setup sharing with Windows 9x systems, by simply creating openly available shares.Advanced aka Classic File Sharing is directly compatible to file sharing under Windows NT / 2000 / Server 2003. It can use Guest, or it can use non-Guest, authentication.Windows XP will share files with an XBox 360, given a small amount of work.For additional details describing file sharing issues relevant to Windows XP and to other operating systems, see:Microsoft File and Printer Sharing with Microsoft WindowsPChuck Older Operating Systems - Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows NTPChuck Windows XP And Vista On The LAN Together>> TopAuthentication ProtocolsAs described above, any connection created between a client and a server involves some form of authentication. The person using a client computer must prove who he / she is, so the server can decide whether to allow access. The simplest form of authentication is a simple account / password exchange. The user inputs the account (public secret) and password (private secret), these are passed to the server, which matches the two against its database.Original versions of Windows, before NT V4.0, used LAN Manager Authentication, which used this strategy. Starting with Windows NT V4.0, authentication protocols of increasing complexity have been used.>> TopLocal Access IssuesIf you follow recommended procedures, and setup your accounts to allow file sharing, you will have identical, non-blank passwords on the accounts. As I said above, by default, Windows XP Pro requires non-blank passwords for accounts used for network access.Maybe you're accustomed to not logging in at all when you turn your computer on - just start it, it comes up with the desktop, and you get to work. Or maybe you'd like to do this, but don't know how. Well, Ramesh, another MVP, has written up the procedure for making your computer login automatically, in his article Configure Windows XP to Automatically Login.>> Top 2b1af7f3a8
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2.2 Professional GibbsCAM 2006 8.0.38 GIGA Guitars Bits of Expressive (1 cd) GIGA Real Mega Drums (1000 DrumSamples) GIGA Sympnhonic Adventures Samples (1 cd) GIGA Yellow Tools Pure Guitars Exs24 (1 cd) GigaStudio Original Samples CD Gnomon Introduction to Maya Interface and Workflow (1 dvd) GoXml DB 3.0 GoXml Transform 4.0 Graphical Analysis 3.1 Greenworks Xfrog 4.3 for Cinema 4D GTXScanClean Suite 3.0 Hash Animation Master 2004 11.1A Hash Animation Master 2005 11.1H Hit List Commerce Pro 4 Hotdog Pro 7.01.3 HTML WebEditors Collection Hummingbird Fulcrum Knowledgebase Server 4.1 HyperChem 7.52 HyperText Studio Enterprise 4.06 IAR Embedded Workbench Collection Feb 2007 (1 cd) IAR visualSTATE 5.4 Ibm DB2 Application Development Client 8.1 IBM DB2 Warehouse Manager Enterprise 8.1 IBM Lotus Domino Server 7.0.2 (1 cd) IBM Object REXX Development Edition 2.1 IBM Rational Software Architect 6.0 (4 cds) Ibm Rational Suite 2003.06.00 Multilanguage (3 cds) Ibm Tivoli Netview 7.1.3 IBM VisualAge for Java Enterprise Edition 4.0 IBM VisualAge for Java Enterprise IDE03 AddON 4.0 Ibm WebSphere Application Server 5.1 (1 cd) IBM WebSphere Studio Device Developer 5.7 (1 cd) Ibm Websphere Studio Site Developer Express 5.0 Ideal Administration 4.2 Ideal ScanDEX Pro 2.5.13 Igor Engraver 1.5 iGrafx FlowCharter 2003 Illuminatus Opus Presenter 2.81 Illuminatus Opus Pro 2.6 (1 cd) Image Line FL Studio 6.0.4 Producer Edition ImageGlue 5.2 for ASP ImageGlue NET 5.1 IMagic Restaurant Reservation 2.6 Imagineer Systems Mokey 3.0 Import Studio 2.02 IMSI FloorPlan 3D Design Suite 10 IMSI TurboCAD Professional 11.2 IMSI TurboCAD Professional 12 In-Sync Blade 2.2 IndigoRose Setup Factory IndigoRose Visual Patch Informatrix Piranesi 4 (2 cds) Infragistics NetAdvantage 2005-2006 8in1 Pack (1 cd) Innovasys DockStudioXP 1.5 Innoveda CAM350 7.0 Inscriber TitleMotion 5.1 Pro for Edius Inside Logic Pro 7.1 (1 dvd) Insightfull S-PLUS 6 r2 Professional Install Construct 4.0.1 InstallAnywhere Enterprise 8.0.3063 InstallAware Studio Admin 6.32 InstallShield 12 Premier Edition InstallShield AdminStudio 6.0 (1 cd) InstallShield Demoshield 8.0 InstallShield Developer 8.02 (1 cd) InstallShield DevStudio 9.01 (1 cd) InstallShield Expo Walkthrough 1.0 InstallShield Professional 7.01 Installshield Tuner 5.5 OEM Instantiations CodePro Studio JBuilder Edition 1.1 Intel C Plus Plus Compiler 9.1.025 Intel Visual Fortran Compiler Pro 9.1.034 IntelliJ IDEA 6.0.3 Intellisys Project Desktop 1.13 InterActive Physiology 7 System Suite 2.0 Intergraph Geomedia Professional 5.1 Internet Security And Acceleration Server 2000 Ent InterVideo DVD Copy Platinum Intervideo WinDVD Creator Platinum 3.0 InterVideo WinDVD Platinum Intuit Learning QuickBooks 2006 (2 cds) Intuit Quickbooks Customer Manager 2.0 (1 cd) Intuit TaxCalc Pro 2004 Intuit TurboTax Business 2006 (1 cd) Intuit TurboTax Deluxe 2006 (1 cd) Intuit TurboTax Deluxe 2006 for Mac (1 cd) Intuit TurboTax Premier Investments 2006 (1 cd) InvestmentHelper 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SmartSuite Millenium Edition 9.8 Lsx MPEG 2.01 for Adobe Premiere Luxology Modo 2.02.17737 Luxology Modo 2.02.17737 for Mac 3ds Max 9 Essential Training (1 dvd) Acrobat 8 Professional Beyond the Basics (1 dvd) Acrobat 8 Professional Essential Training (1 dvd) Contribute 3 Essential Training (1 cd) Dreamweaver 8 Essential Training (2 cds) Dreamweaver 8 Hands On Training (1 cd) Dreamweaver 8 Features (1 cd) Excel 2007 Essential Training (1 cd) Filemaker Pro 8 Essential Training (2 cd) Final Cut Pro 5 Beyond the Basics (3 dvd) Final Cut Pro 5 Essential Editing (3 cd) Final Cut Studio Integration (1 cd) Fireworks 8 Essential Training (2 cds) Flash Professional 8 Building Data-Driven Applications (1 cd) Flash Professional 8 Essential Training (2 cds) Flash Professional 8 Features (1 cd) Getting Started with Corel Paintshop Pro XI (1 cd) Getting Started with CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X3 (1 cd) Illustrator CS2 and Flash 8 Integration (1 cd) LiveType 2 Essential Training (1 cd) Migrating from 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Macromedia Fireworks 8.0 Multilingual Macromedia Flash Communication Server MX Pro 1.6 r105 Macromedia Flash Media Server Edge Edition 2.0.2 MultiOS Macromedia Flash MX ActionScript Bible Macromedia Flash Professional 8.0 Macromedia Flash Professional 8.0 for Mac Macromedia Flash Remoting MX 1.0 Macromedia Flash Video Kit v1.0 Macromedia FlashPaper 2.01 Macromedia Fontographer 4.1 Macromedia Freehand MX 11.0.1 Macromedia Freehand MX 2004 for Mac Macromedia HomeSite 5.1 Macromedia JRun 4.0 Macromedia MX Developer Resource Kit vol.1 Macromedia Studio 8.0 (2 cds) Macromedia Studio 8.0 for Mac (2 cds) MagicDraw Teamwork Server 11.6 AllOS MagicDraw UML Enterprise 11.6 AllOS MAGIX Audio Cleaning Lab 11 e-verison 7.03 Magix Movie Edit Pro 10 (2 cds) Magix Music Maker 2006 E Magix Music Studio Deluxe 2005 (1 cd) Magix Samplitude Professional 8.01 MainConcept MPEG Encoder 1.5.1 Bilingual MainConcept MPEG Pro Plug-In for Adobe Premiere Pro HD 1.0.6 MakeMusic Finale 2006 for Mac (1 dvd) MakeMusic Finale 2007 (1 dvd) Mapinfo MapMaker 6.4 MapInfo Professional 8.0 MapleSoft Maple 10.06 for Mac (1 cd) MapleSoft Maple 11.0 Mask Pro 4.0 Mastercam X 10.2 MR2 (2 cd) Mathematica 5 for Mac (1 cd) Mathematica 5.2.0 MathType 5.2 MultiLanguage Mathworks Matlab R2006b Student for Mac Mathworks Matlab R2007a (1 dvd) Maximizer 9.0 (1 cd) Maxon 3D Models Collection 4 in 1 Maxon Cinema 4D 10.0 Studio Bundle Multilanguage (1 dvd) Maxon Cinema 4D 9.0 Studio Bundle for Mac McAfee AntiSpyware 2.1.112 McAfee AntiSpyware Enterprise 8.5sa McAfee Internet Security Suite McAfee Personal Firewall Plus 7.1.113 McAfee Spamkiller 7.0.21 McAfee Total Protection 2007 (1 cd) McAfee VirusScan Enterprise 8.5.0i with patch 1 McAfee VirusScan Plus 2007 (1 cd) McAfee Wireless Home Network Security McAfee Wireless Security 4.1 Mechsoft for Autocad 2004 LT Mechsoft for SolidEdge 15 (1 cd) MechSoft Standard Part Libs for Inventor Series R3 MediaChance DVDLab Pro 2.25 MediaMake and Go for Director 1.0 MediSoft Network Professional 7.02 Merant PVCS Version Manager 7.5.1 Mercury InterActive Astra LoadTest for LoadRunner Mercury InterActive LoadRunner 7.6 (1 cd) Mercury QuickTest Professional Mercury WinRunner 8.2 (1 cd) Metacreations Ray Dream Studio 3D 5.0 Metastock 10.0 Metrowerks CodeWarrior Development Studio 9.3 Metrowerks CodeWarrior PRO 8.0 (2 cds) Mgi Photovista 3D Objects 1.02 MGI Photovista Virtual Tour 1.01 Mgi Videowave 5 Micrografx Designer 9 (1 cd) Micrografx Picture Publisher 10 Pro (3 cds) Microsoft Windows XP x64 Corporate with SP2 March 2007 (1 cd) Microsoft Office 2007 Language Pack Arabic Korean Hebrew (1 cd) Microsoft Money 2007 Deluxe Microsoft Windows 2003 Standard Corporate with SP2 (1 cd) Microsoft Windows 2003 Web Corporate with SP2 (1 cd) Microsoft Windows 2003 Enterprise x64 Corporate with SP2 (1 cd) Microsoft Windows 2003 Enterprise with SP2 (1 cd) Microsoft Windows 2003 Enterprise Corporate with SP2 (1 cd) Microsoft Windows 2003 Datacenter Corporate with SP2 (1 cd) Microsoft Windows XP Pro with SP2 March 2007 (1 cd) Microsoft Office 2007 Language Pack Japanese (1 cd) Microsoft Autoroute 2005 (2 cds) Microsoft Autoroute Europe 2007 (1 dvd) Microsoft BizTalk Server 2006 R2 EDI (1 cd) Microsoft Business Portal 3.0 for Dynamics SL 6.5 (1 cd) Microsoft Business Portal 3.0 for Microsoft Dynamics GP 9.0 (1 cd) Microsoft Class Server 3.0 (1 cd) Microsoft Commerce Server 2007 Enterprise Edition (1 cd) Microsoft Content Management Server 2002 Microsoft CRM 1.2 Server (1 cd) Microsoft Digital Image Suite 2006 Anniersary Edition (2 cd) Microsoft Dynamics CRM 3.0 Professional and Small Business Edition (2cds) Microsoft Dynamics SL 6.5 (2 cds) Microsoft Encarta Premium 2006 (1 dvd) Microsoft Encarta Reference Library Premium 2005 (1 dvd) Microsoft Ent Learning Library Win2k Server 2.1 Microsoft Ent Learning Library.NET Ent Servers 2.1 Microsoft Exchange Server 2000 (1 cd) Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 Enterprise Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 Enterprise 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Server 2007 (1 cd) Microsoft Office Project Server 2007 (1 cd) Microsoft Office Publisher 2003 (1 cd) Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 Enterprise (1 cd) Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 Enterprise x64 (1 cd) Microsoft Office Small Business Edition 2003 (2 cds) Microsoft Office Visio 2007 Pro (1 cd) Microsoft One Note 2003 (1 cd) Microsoft Operations Manager 2005 with SP1 (1 cd) Microsoft Picture It Photo Premium 10 (1 cd) Microsoft Project 2007 Professional (1 cd) Microsoft Project Server 2003 (1 cd) Microsoft Proofing Tools 2003 (1 cd) Microsoft Small Business Accounting 2006 (1 cd) Microsoft Small Business Financials 9.0 (1 cd) Microsoft Small Business Manager 7.5 Microsoft Small Business Server 2003 R2 Premium Edition (5 cd) Microsoft Small Business Server 2003 R2 Premium Technologies (2 cd) Microsoft Speech Server 2007 Beta Developer Edition for WinXP (1 dvd) Microsoft Speech Server 2007 Beta Enterprise Edition for Windows Server2003 (1 dvd) Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Developer Edition (1 dvd) Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Enterprise Edition (1 dvd) Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Enterprise Edition 64-bit Extended (1 dvd) Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Standard Edition (1 dvd) Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Standard Edition 64-Bit (1 dvd) Microsoft SQL Server 2006 Special Edition Microsoft Streets And Trips 2007 (1 dvd) Microsoft Student with Encarta Premium 2007 (1 dvd) Microsoft Systems Management Server 2003 R2 (1 cd) Microsoft Technet March 2007 (2 cd) Microsoft Virtual PC 2007 Microsoft Virtual PC 2007 x64 Microsoft Virtual PC 7.0 for Mac (2 cds) Microsoft Virtual Server 2005 R2 Enterprise (1 cd) Microsoft Virtual Server 2005 R2 Enterprise x64 (1 cd) Microsoft Visio 2003 for Visual Studio 2005 Enterprise Architects (1 cd)Microsoft Visio Enterprise Network Tools 2002 Microsoft Visio for Enterprise Architects 2003 Microsoft Visual Basic 2005 Express (1 cd) Microsoft Visual C Sharp 2005 Express (1 cd) Microsoft Visual Cplusplus 2005 Express (1 dvd) Microsoft Visual 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(1 cd)Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 Team Suite (1 dvd) Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 Team System VPC (1 dvd) Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 Tools for the Microsoft Office System (1cd) Microsoft Visual Web Developer 2005 Express Edition (1 cd) Microsoft Windows 2000 3 in 1 Corporate Edition with SP4 Microsoft Windows 2000 Advanced Server with SP4 RU1-V2 (1 cd) Microsoft Windows 2000 Powered NAS (1 cd) Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional with SP4 RU1-V2 (1 cd) Microsoft Windows 2000 Server with SP4 RU1-V2 (1 cd) Microsoft Windows 2000 with SP4 5in1 (1 cd) Microsoft Windows 2003 DataCenter Corporate with SP1 (1 cd) Microsoft Windows 2003 R2 Server Multilingual User Interface (5 cds) Microsoft Windows 2003 R2 Server x64 Enterprise Edition (2 cds) Microsoft Windows 2003 R2 Server x64 Multilingual User Interface (3 cds)Microsoft Windows 2003 R2 Server x64 Standard Edition (2 cds) Microsoft Windows 2003 Server Corporate Enterprise Edition with SP1 (1cd) Microsoft Windows 2003 Server Corporate x64 Enterprise Edition (1 cd) Microsoft Windows 2003 Server Enterprise with SP2 (2 cd) Microsoft Windows 2003 Server Itanium Enterprise with SP1 (1 cd) Microsoft Windows 2003 Server with SP1 8in1 (1 dvd) Microsoft Windows 2003 Server x64 MUI Pack (1 cd) Microsoft Windows 2003 Small Business Server with SP1 (5 cds) Microsoft Windows Computer Cluster Server 2003 (2 cd) Microsoft Windows Fundamentals for Legacy PCs 2006 with SP2 (1 cd) Microsoft Windows Fundamentals for Legacy PCs 2006 with SP2 MUI PACK1 (1cd) Microsoft Windows Longhorn Server build 5757 (1 dvd) Microsoft Windows Longhorn Server build 6001 x64 (1 dvd) Microsoft Windows PE 2004 Microsoft Windows Small Business Server 2003 Technologies PremiumEdition (1 cd) Microsoft Windows Vista 5in1 for x64 (1 dvd) Microsoft Windows Vista 8in1 Multilanguage (1 dvd) Microsoft Windows Vista Business (1 dvd) Microsoft Windows Vista Enterprise Final x64 (1 dvd) Microsoft Windows Vista MUI x64 (1 dvd) Microsoft Windows Vista Ultimate (1 dvd) Microsoft Windows Vista Ultimate UPGRADE (1 dvd) Microsoft Windows x64 6in1 (1 dvd) Microsoft Windows XP Embedded SP2 (3 cds) Microsoft Windows XP Media Center Edition 2005 (2 cds) Microsoft Windows XP with SP2 11in1 (1 dvd) Microsoft Windows XP with SP2 Upgrade Corporate (1 cd) Microsoft Windows XP x64 MUI Pack (4 cds) Microsoft Windows XP x64 Pro with SP1 October 2006 (1 cd) Microsoft Works 8.5 Multilanguage (1 dvd) Microsoft Works and Entertainment Suite 2006 (1 dvd) Microwave Office 2002 5.52 with VSS Midisoft Worship Studio 2002 XP 6.0 Mindjet MindManager Pro 6.1.894 MindMapper Pro 5.0.6060 Minitab 14.100 (1 cd) MKS Toolkit for Developers 8.5 MKS Toolkit for Interoperability 8.5 Model ChemLab 2.4 Moldflow Products 2007 (1 cd) Motors Electronic Estimating 2003 Motu Digital Performer 5.1 for Mac Mpeg2Vcr 3.12 MSC ADAMS 2005 R2 (1 cd) MSC Dynamic Designer Motion Pro with SP1 for Solid Edge 2003 Msc Dytran 2005 (1 cd) MSC EASY5 2005 R1.2 (1 cd) MSC Enterprise MVision 2004 (1 cd) MSC Fatigue 2005 R2 for Patran (1 cd) MSC Marc 2005 R2 Full (1 cd) MSC Nastran 2005 R3 (1 cd) MSC Patran 2006 R1 (1 dvd) Msc Visualnastran Desktop 2003 SP1 MultiActive ecBuilder Developer Edition 6.1 Multigen Paradigm Creator 3.0 (1 cd) Multilizer 6.2.18 Multisim 9.0.155 Music Programs Collection Musicmatch Jukebox Plus 10.00.4033 Musition 2 NA Sniffer Ethernet and Gigabit and WAN Console 4. NA Sniffer Pro 4.7 Nagware Fortran95 4.2 for Linux Namo WebEditor 2006 Suite National Instruments Circuit Design Suite Educational 10.0 (1 cd) National Instruments Circuit Design Suite Pro 10.0 (1 cd) National Instruments Diadem 10.1 with SP1 (1 cd) National Instruments LabView 8.2 Modules Pack Feb-2007 (1 dvd) National Instruments LabView with Embedded Support 8.2.1 (1 cd) National Instruments Motion 7.4 (1 cd) National Instruments Pack 6in1 (1 dvd) National Instruments Vision 3in1 (3 cd) Native Instruments ABSynth 3.0 VSTi DXi RTAS AU for Mac and PC (1 cd) Native Instruments Bandstand for Mac and PC (1 dvd) Native Instruments Collection Native Instruments GuitarRig 2 for Mac (1 cd) Native Instruments GuitarRig (1 cd) Native Instruments Komplete 4 - dvd_1 for Mac (1 dvd) Native Instruments Komplete 4 - dvd_1 for PC (1 dvd) Native Instruments Komplete 4 - dvd_2_3 for Mac and PC (2 dvd) Native Instruments Komplete 4 - dvd_4_5 for Mac and PC (2 dvd) Native Instruments Komplete 4 - dvd_6_7_8 for Mac and PC (3 dvd) Native Instruments Kontakt 2.0 for Mac and PC (1 cd) Native Instruments Kontakt Experience (1 dvd) for Mac and PC Native Instruments Kontakt Gold Sibelius Edition (1 cd) Native Instruments Pro-53 3.0.2 Native Instruments Reaktor 5.1.0 R2 for Mac (1 cd) Native Instruments Reaktor 5.1.1 (1 cd) Native Instruments Traktor DJ Studio for Mac Native Instruments Traktor DJ Studio 3.2.1 Native Instruments Vokator 1.0 Navigon MobileNavigator 6 for PDA Navigon MobileNavigator North Eastern Europe Maps for PDA (1 dvd) Navigon MobileNavigator Small Maps for PDA (1 dvd) Navigon MobileNavigator Southern Europe Maps for PDA (1 dvd) Navigon MobileNavigator Western Europe Maps for PDA (1 dvd) Navigon MobileNavigator Whole Europe Maps for PDA (1 dvd) Nemetscheck VectorWorks 11.5.0 (1 cd) Nemetscheck VectorWorks 12.0.1 for Mac (1 dvd) Nemetschek Allplan 2006.2 Multilanguage (1 cd) Nero 7 Essential CD Suite 2 Multilanguage (1 cd) Nero Premium NetIQ AppManager 6.0 NetIQ Chariot 5.4 NetIQ Vivinet Assessor 2.1 NetIQ Vivinet Diagnostics 1.1 NetIQ Webtrends Enterprise 7.5b NetObjects Fusion 9.0 NetSupport PC-Duo 6.10 Network Inventory Manager 3.0E Network Monitors Collection 1 NewTek Aura VideoPaint 2.5b Newtek Lightwave 3D 7.5 for Mac Newtek LightWave 3D 8.5 (4 cds) Newtek LightWave 3D 9.0 (1 cd) NIST ACerS Phase Equilibria Diagrams Database 2.1 Norton 2005 (1 cd) Norton Antivirus 10 for Mac (1 cd) Norton AntiVirus 2007 (1 cd) Norton Ghost 10.0 (1 cd) Norton PartitionMagic 8.05 Norton SystemWorks 2005 Premier (1 cd) Norton SystemWorks 3.0 for Mac (1 cd) Norton Utilities 8.0.2 for Mac (1 cd) NovaBACKUP 2in1 Novastor NovaNet 9.00.SP2C Novell Netware 6 NTI Backup NOW! Deluxe 3.0.54 NTI CD DVD Maker Titanium Suite 7.0 (1 cd) NTI Drive Backup! 3.0.54 Nuendo Dolby Digital Encoder 1.01 Numega SoftICE Driver Suite 2.6 NuSphere PHPEd 3.1 for Linux Objecteering 6.00.06261 Enterprise Edition Ochre SourceStyler 1.1 Office Recovery Pro 3.0 OmniForm Premium 5 (1 cd) OmniFormat 7.9 OnTrack Data Advisor 5.0 OnTrack DataEraser Ontrack DiskManager 5.06 Ontrack EasyRecovery DataRecovery 6.03.04 OnTrack Fix-It Utilities 4.0 Ontrack PowerControls 2.10 Business Edition OnTrack PowerDesk Pro OnTrack System Suite 4.0 Oracle 9i Database Enterprise Edition (3 cds) OriginLab OriginPro 7.5 Orion Studios Direct DVD 5.2 PaloAlto Business Plan Pro 2007 Premier Edition 9.06.0006 Paragon 7tools Partition Manager 2005 Paragon Drive Backup 8.5.1238 Enterprise Server Paragon Partition Manager Professional 8.5 Parasoft 2in1 (1 cd) ParticleIllusions 3.0 (1 cd) Passware Password Recovery Kit Enterprise 6.1 PC Install 7.0 PC Tests Collection PDF Seps2Comp for Adobe Acrobat 1.7.1 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Mar 09, 2023
In Business Forum
Euro Truck Simulator 2 V1 5 2 DOWNLOAD Euro Truck Simulator 2 is still a vastly popular game on computer more than nine years after its release and you can play it too with a PC that passes the system requirements test. The specs for Euro Truck simulator 2 are very consumer-friendly so there is a good chance you can run it. All you need is an Intel HD Graphics 4000 or GeForce GTS 450 for your GPU alongside a 2.4 GHz Dual-Core CPU. ETS2 also needs at least 4 GB of RAM to run smoothly. The recommended system requirements for Euro Truck Simulator 2 are not super intense either. Hopeful players only need a GeForce GTX 760 (or AMD equivalent) alongside a 3.0 GHz Quad-Core CPU and 6 GB of system RAM. The base version of ETS2 only needs 5 GB of free hard drive space, but each DLC will add to that number. SCS has also taken the opportunity to add region-specific road signage to the game in v1.46. This ensures that players get the full localised experience when trucking across the Iberian peninsula with its familiar green and white boards. Euro Truck Simulator 2 is an open world truck simulator game developed and published by SCS Software for Microsoft Windows, Linux, and macOS and was initially released as open development on 18 October 2012.[2] The game is a direct sequel to the 2008 game Euro Truck Simulator and it is the second video game in the Truck Simulator series. The game is non-linear with basic premise of the game being that the player can drive one of a choice of articulated trucks across a condensed depiction of Europe, picking up cargo from various locations and delivering it. As the game progresses, it is possible for the player to buy more vehicles and depots, as well as hire other drivers to work for them. Euro Truck Simulator 2 is a truck driving simulator with business management elements. Players drive articulated trucks in an open world rendition of Europe, delivering loads to a designated locations in order to be compensated with money and experience points. The payload must be delivered to the destination within a given amount of time, and with the least amount of damage to the goods as possible, in order to get the most money and experience points possible.[4] Players will have to spend money on refuelling, toll costs in certain countries, and maintenance costs if damage is incurred. Money earned in the game can be spent on upgrading or purchasing new customizable trucks and ownable trailers, hiring non-player character drivers to take on deliveries, buying more garages and expanding them to accommodate more trucks and drivers.[4] The skills of the drivers hired by the player also grow with experience and the player can create a huge fleet of the trucks, each with the option of having their own trailer, and drivers to drive the fleet, in turn, expanding the business across Europe. The player gains experience points after each delivery. A skill point is awarded after each level-up. Skill points can be used to unlock deliveries that require different ADR classes, longer distance deliveries, special cargo loads, fragile cargo loads, deliveries that are urgent and eco-driving. This progression allows the player to take on better-paying jobs. The base game features 71 cities in twelve countries, over twenty types of cargo and over fifteen fictional European companies. There are seven items of map downloadable content (DLC) that expand the game to more countries and locations, and multiple other truck and trailer DLCs. SCS Software has released several other minor expansion packs. Euro Truck Simulator 2 can be enhanced with several paint job packs for trucks, ranging from seasonal repaints to nation-themed repaints.[citation needed] Other expansion packs expand the game with licensed content from real-life manufacturers: Feldbinder Trailer Pack,[32] Krone Trailer Pack,[33] Schwarzmüller Trailer Pack,[34] with additional tire, wheel and truck parts modifications from Goodyear, HS-Schoch and Michelin. In addition, special tuning packs are available for each truck manufacturer besides Iveco and MAN. These packs add more tuning options, ranging from bullbars to branded mugs[35] to all trucks of the selected brand, except for the Renault tuning pack, which only features new tuning parts for the newest Renault Range T truck.[36] There are several expansion packs that expand the functionality of the game, including Cabin Accessories DLC (which allows players to personalize their truck interiors), and two DLCs that allow transport of heavy cargo: Heavy Cargo DLC and Special Transport DLC (also available for American Truck Simulator; consisting of even heavier cargo that exceed regular cargo regulations with escort vehicles that will help guide the player deliver cargo at short distances). With this DLC, the dynamic is separate from the regular gameplay. Players can take special jobs, during which they cannot make stops at rest areas, gas stations or deviate away from escort vehicles.[citation needed] In a review for Destructoid, Jim Sterling praised the game's accessibility, noting how easy the GPS and map features were to use, as well as the option to stream European internet radio, and the multitude of control options available. They also praised the graphics, stating that "[f]rom the shape of the traffic lights to the atmosphere of the backdrops, there's a sense of individuality to each new territory you uncover, and the trucks themselves are lovingly recreated with an intricate level of detail", although they did criticise the AI of the other vehicles on the road.[38] There is nothing like getting behind the wheel of a truck and cruising down highways to deliver cargo in Euro Truck Simulator 2. Getting the full experience of learning to control these large vehicles then being able to enjoy the long drives and chill atmosphere is what really makes the game an enriching simulation. Updated on September 6th, 2021, by Chris Birsner: As time goes on, the Euro Truck Simulator 2 community continues to grow at a rapid pace. More and more drivers are hitting the road looking to build up their trucking business. While the game itself is an attraction for players, there's also a lot of people who dive in because of the vast modding community. Because of the sheer amount of add-ons out there, there is every possible reason for someone to get behind the wheel of a truck. There are also new experiences being created each day by players out there and it's important to stay on top of the best ETS2 mods that are being put out. Being able to customize what kind of truck is driven around is great, but why let the customization stop there? In "SiSL's Mega Pack," players will get to customize the place that they will spend the most time in over the course of the game: their truck's cabin. A mod by Flemming V, the pack adds an additional 17 trucks to the game that range in brands from Volvo to Scania. Plus, there are 120 chassis, 310 cargo body boxes, and 27 tandem trailers. There are also a few additional trailers that are invisible, letting players drive around with just the truck itself. Euro Truck Simulator 2 has a navigation system that will get players from point A to point B without much trouble, but maybe it'll be easier to navigate with something more familiar to drivers in real life? Another mod by Sinagrit Baba, this add-on makes the truck's GPS sync up with Google Maps. Modifications include adding vehicles such as motorcycles, buses, railway cargo, military cargo, and a wide variety of new-looking trucks just to name a few. Each pack has a ton of additions, so players won't be left wanting more. Installation is quick and easy. Register an account with us, and then ensure that you connectyour Steam account, which has Euro Truck Simulator 2 or American Truck Simulator. Download,install, play. As long as you meet ourrequirements, you'll be trucking alongside thousands ofother enthusiasts instantaneously. At TruckersMP we take simulation seriously. Here you can immerse yourself in a virtual worldsurrounded by other truckers from all over the globe driving across the USA and Europe, andwith the addition of ProMods, the world is your oyster. People love free steam games, no doubt. But what many people hate is downloading so many parts and trying to install them on their own. This is why we are the only site that pre-installs every game for you. We have many categories like shooters, action, racing, simulators and even VR games! We strive to satisfy our users and ask for nothing in return. 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