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Research Papers

Commissioned Reports

  • Dlamini N., 2007. Section on South Africa in publication ‘A preliminary assessment of energy and ecosystem resilience in ten African countries’. For Helio Interntional, Paris. 2007.

  • Dlamini N., Austin G, 2006. Preparatory steps towards establishing a National Rural Biogas Digester Programme in South Africa. Report written for Agama Energy, final customer South Africa's Department of Science and Technology. April 2006.

Original Peer Reviewed Articles

  • Dlamini N. G., 2011. The environmental impacts of various rail passenger ticketing options in Japan. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 16 (2011) 365–371.

  • Dlamini N. G., Fujimura K., Yamasue E., Okumura H., Ishihara K. N., 2011. The environmental LCA of steel vs HDPE car fuel tanks with varied pollution control. International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment (2011) 16:410–419.

  • Dlamini N. G., Yamasue E., Okumura H., Ishihara K. N., 2012. Technical Impact Indicators for Materials. In press, Revue de Métallurgie journal.

  • Dlamini N. G., Cromieres F., 2012. Implementing Peak Load Reduction Algorithms for Household Electrical Appliances. Energy Policy Journal Volume 44, May 2012, Pages 280–290.

  • Dlamini N. G., Cromieres F., 2012. Technical versus Behavioural Approaches to Household Peak Electrical Load Reduction. Journal of Energy in Southern Africa (accepted).

International Conference Presentations

  • Dlamini N. G., Yamasue E., Okumura H., Ishihara K. N., 2008. The Annual Life Cycle Energy Burden of Materials: Chopsticks Case Study. Presented at the 8th International Conference on Ecobalance, Tokyo Japan, December 10th-12th, 2008.

  • Dlamini N. G., Yamasue E., Okumura H., Ishihara K. N., 2008. Technical Impact Indicators for Materials. Presented at the 2nd International Seminar on Society and Materials, Nantes, France, April 2008.

  • Dlamini N, 2006. Energy Sustainability Indicators for South Africa: 2006 Report. For Helio Interntional, Paris. March 2006.

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